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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by dds92780

  1. Could someone on here tell how to post pictures for the sake of storkmack and myself. Thanks
  2. Awesome! Thanks for the quick reply. I have NEVER seen an R model with chrome gauges and i would assume that the peterbilt inserts are the same as kenworth
  3. Does ANYONE know where i can get the covers that go over the gauges? I have a friend with a kenworth and he was able to get the little chrome inserts that fit right over the gauge and if you go on the website http://www.bigrigchromeshop.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?page=BRCS/CTGY/KIGC it shows different pieces you can buy and i didnt know which ones would fit best for the pyro, fuel, air pressure, water, oil pressure, and volts. I would assume one size should fit all but im not sure, for instance, where the 3 gauges to the left are on an R model the clearance is kinda tight to fit a plastic piece in there. And what size would i need for the tach and speedo? HAS ANYONE DONE THIS EVER??????
  4. So i just got all 4 drums and shoes and bushing and s cams done on my tractor last week. Well today it just started making a vibrating loud humming sound when braking but not applying fully. And its more pronounced when empty. What can cause this? I adjusted the slack adjusters to spec again and still when braking the loud hummimng vibrating is coming from somewhere. My thoughts are that the shoe isnt touching fully? im so sick of this truck at this point with all the repairs i do
  5. Thank you for the PM. Has anyone on here actually had a pump rebuilt? How much of a difference did you end up noticing? Is the throttle response better? quicker boost?
  6. NOBODY has any input or experience with these companies?
  7. That clevinger has a ton of souped up r models if you look for him on the web. I like that grill too.
  8. Which pump shop does everyone recommend or have a good reputation with as far as customer service goes and overall satisfaction. Here are the 2 i have heard of only MIDWEST FUEL INJECTION- I have heard mixed reviews but heard it is as simple as driving my truck there, leaving it there, pulling the pump off, getting it rebuilt , calibrating it and turning it up PRECISION- not sure about this company though, it is a guy named john, says he worked at midwest for 15 years and mack for 12 years. 95 percent of pumps he rebuilds and calibrates are mack and said i would be happy with him. Also he is open on saturdays. Anyone have ANY input on this??? Lets make this a great thread Also i have a bosch mechanical pump, part number 0402 746 642 It is for a e7 350 mechanical. Thanks
  9. I cant wait to get mine done too. I have an e7 350 mechanical with number 6 running cold with a slight miss and i want get my pump turned up too when they rebuild it.
  10. So he said i could send it back and asked why i didnt like the wheel even though it was made by VIP. VIP makes almost 95 percent of all OEM wheels and when i order a new mack one i wont see much difference. Mack makes the plastic that goes around it. not sure what he meant by that because there is plastic that wraps around the hub area and plastic for the diameter of the wheel where you put your hands. I know if it was mack it would have a nice rubber grip to it, not some cheap plastic feel. Am i right?
  11. Just look online for a mack steering wheel on ebay, and you will be mislead. all the sellers get thier generic wheels from VIP wheels. check out the site even vipwheels.com and youll see how misleading it can be
  12. Im getting really ticked off about those people. I wanted to order an 18 inch MACK CH steering wheel for my truck. I come across ebay and and found one. The guy was so shady that he sent me it in a box that had a mack postage stamp on it. on a VIP steering wheel box. I could tell instantly upon opening it that i was screwed. cheap plastic and on back of it you could see the VIP logo on it and i didnt even get a horn button. He said he could get me one for another 47 dollars. Yep i was scammed and i will be sending this pos back.
  13. I love the sound of the engine and the environment! i felt like i was there.
  14. I have a mechanic that i am friends with that is coming by saturday to do a valve lash adjustment and make sure all the bridges are correct and check it from there. he is also going to research if we can just take off the line for number six and do a few twists of the nut or screw in the plungers or whatever to make it put more fuel out . worth a shot? at least the valve adjustment will be done correctly and we can take it from there though
  15. its about a 3000 dollar job
  16. Then where should i take it? That doesn't really answer my question but thanks
  17. Okay here is my issue. My pump has a misfie on it where the number 6 cylinder is running colder. The truck is still getting the job done and not blowing any smoke at all. In order to get this problem fixed I have two options at this point. First option is to get the pump taken out of the truck and have midwest injection in bolingbrook illinois rebuild it which typically takes 3 to 5 days. Option 2 is where i have them rebuild me one of their cores and then i bring my truck in and have it installed. downtime of 1 day Problem is that option Two doesnt even exhist because they have ZERO cores for the pump i need. they are waiting on someone to return their core and its at the point where they are just going to charge him 1500 for never bringing it back. They seem very knowledgeable on rebuilding pumps, turning them up, installing them etc. Now at mack you can get a reman pump for a little more money but they can get me one in two days no problem. I don't know what shop rebuilds them or if they are not as good as bosch. Does anyone have any experience with this or just some advice in general? I could really use it. Thanks
  18. lol that last comment was funny J! you call up and tell them the last 6 of your vin but then they still need to know what kind of truck and you have to tell them what kind of engine and pump on top of it. and when you stood up and said, where are my meds? lol
  19. Just ordered the 16 inch leather one. IMO i think i found the best wheel for my truck. I looked at all the 18 inch wheels setups from local guys and even different trucks and i wanted to go one step smaller
  20. Would a 16 steering wheel be overkill? from most of the ch trucks i see they have an 18inch hard rubber one. I had that in my last truck and thought it was fine and i could just put lysol on the handle when it was dirty. This is a gravel truck that i try to keep clean. So what do you all think of the leather one? or is that overkill? would it be hard to keep clean? does anyone have the leather one?
  21. could you tell me how to upload pics so i can share them? i have pics
  22. i currently have the ugly 22 inch steering wheel in my r model and i wanted an upgrade. I see on ebay all these different selections to get. What is the best size to get? 18 inch or 16 inch? leather or vinyl? i found a leather one on ebay that is pretty cheap and is in new condition. Here is the link http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-MACK-TRUCK-STEERING-WHEEL-LEATHER-WRAPPED-18-INCH-/300783603109?pt=Other_Vehicle_Parts&hash=item4608198da5&vxp=mtr Would that be a good one? How about this one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-18-inch-Mack-Steering-Wheel-all-models-/230793210549?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item35bc58eab5&vxp=mtr OR for the more extreme and up to date how about this one? http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-18-inch-Mack-Steering-Wheel-all-models-/230793210545?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item35bc58eab1&vxp=mtr Its going in my RD which i already have a grey eldorado VIP seat in so now that i have that plush seat in there the 22 inch steering wheel almost touches my dads belly lol Thank you all for your support on this site and your opinion means a lot to me
  23. They told me that they could get a mack reman in a few days and mack doesnt even build them, midwest is an authorized bosch distributor and knows their stuff which is why i want to choose them. the process is that you usually have them build you a pump off of a used core but since there is no core there still, i will have to wait to take mine in, have it diagnosed and then have my pump rebuilt from 18-2600 dollars. mack reman is 3600 and that is without labor. I just think once i have it in their shop, they will fix the problem completely
  24. Got the seat in the other day. its very comfortable and allows me to sit up straight with lumbar support. i would like to post pics but i dont know how on here
  25. Here is the update on my seat. it was shipped through conway freight estimated to be here yesterday or today. There is a terminal 2 miles from me where its supposed to be. Guess what. They LOST MY SEAT!!!!!! i am beyond pissed off. now they say that they have to do an investigation monday on it. so i might either get my money back, or they will order me another , which will take another 3 weeks im guessing or im just screwed. can you beileve that?
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