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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by dds92780

  1. Off topic, still kicking myself for it tho but there was an rd that was owned by a quarry that had aluminum rims 417 gearing for 16k earlier this year that I wanted to buy for a spare that had 3 leaf but I was talked out of it because. 3 leaf is expensive to rebush. Isn't three leaf the best ride quality and the lightest tho? Still kinda ticked about it.
  2. Does your pete have lockers? What is the wheelbase?
  3. I fixed the problem by taking my drive shaft over to midwest drive shaft and having it all rebuilt.
  4. Here are a few of the pete. Im still thinking putting aluminum wheels that are 24 inches and a 13 speed on the mack would be pretty cool. The last pic is of the interior of my mack
  5. Does this truck have carpet? How many of these came with brown accent trim?
  6. I have 44k. Honestly it don't ride bad with the Eldorado VIP seat that I have and bobtailing. But the moment I hook up to my spring suspension trailer I can feel all the bumps. loaded it bucks me around a little. I wonder if my better decision is to just get a new air ride trailer first?
  7. I planned on keeping the mack. Its in the shop getting the drive shaft rebuilt monday. Your right about the wheel base. The mack r model don't turn sharp so maybe the pete will be better at that. I planned on putting the Mack to work with a driver. I will turn the pump back down of course. My question about electronic throttle is can you adjust them to where it doesn't take allot of pressure to push the pedal down?
  8. Ok first off I love my 95 rd with a 9 speed and 442 rears. It does what I need it to do and I've made it one of a kind. I have camelback and my trailer is spring suspension. It rides rough but I really love the mechanical throttle over the electronic stuff but it does wear me out at the end of the day. My mack has 480k on it right now. My truck is 188 wheelbase and I haul gravel. So I found a guy the other day that was driving a really sharp looking 98 Peterbilt it has a 3406e engine with 475 horse it has a rebuilt 10 speed transmission where the reverse gear ratio is a 12.12 which is pretty good for backing up at a decent speed. It has 390 Deering which I've always wanted it has full lockers and a Jake brake everything about the truck is awesome I understand that I probably won't make anymore money with this truck then I am with my Mack because it's a heavy truck but at the end of the day it's either choose an air ride trailer and keep the Mack or keep my current trailer and upgrade the tractor which will ride like a dream I think. The guy keeps excellent care of it and was thinking of selling so he could get a sleeper truck. I could go on and on about how its a good truck and would ride a lot better than what I have. the Mack makes plenty of power and I enjoy it for what it is but at the same time I feel like I deserve to have a very comfortable riding truck my dad has a 96 Peterbilt with a 3406b engine and he's 65 years old and still doesn't want to sell it lol I drove the 98 but didn't like the electronic throttle at first. IM sure I could get used to it. My main question is, is a 215 inch wheelbase too long for gravel hauling and new home construction? Should I keep the Mac and buy a brand new Air Ride trailer and be happy or ultimately will just kidding a nice ride in truck be the right decision again I have nothing against my truck right now other than the ride holiday and this truck came up and I know how hard they are to find without all the electronic crap on them
  9. Turned out that the splines on drive shaft and yoke were pretty worn out. I am getting the drive shaft rebuilt monday.
  10. Got under the truck today with a guy that works for nagel trucking. We came to the. Conclusion that it needs a new carrier bearing. We accomplished this by leaving truck park and slowly releasing the clutch. The sound would violently come on.
  11. Okay so I talked to my mechanic and we are going to drain bolt rear ends in the power divider to come up with an idea of what's going on and come up with a solution I tried to let the truck roll down a hill without using the clutch to get it into reverse and even though I managed to get it in gear while rolling as soon as I let off on the gas a little bit and makes the same popping sound. Other than that the truck drives fine and the transmission shifts the way it should I just don't know what it could be at this point
  12. Sorry trans is a rtxf14609b. What all is involved to go to rtlof14713a trans?
  13. Hey guys. My truck has 480k on it now. Its an r model and I like the mechanical engine but lately the trans has really been bothering me. For instance when I come to stop and I have to engage reverse there is always a loud popping sound once the clutch is released. It also does the sound when I let off the gas too quick. The rest of the transmission shifts fine but it doesn't shift like butter. it doesn't shift as fast as I would like it to. Every time I load it on a job site and I come to a stop and I have to back up it was made that popping sound so if I have to pull forward again it does this sound again if I have to go in reverse it does the sound again it's almost like the transmission doesn't like making the change from forward to reverse even though I'm at a complete stop. This is been going on for a few months now and only seems to be getting a little worse even when I'm trying to drive and engage gears smoothly it's almost like the fifth wheel has play in it and if I don't push the pedal down gently it wants to jerk me a little bit I don't think it's related but it's just another thing I'm not liking about the whole transmission of the truck I have taken it to my mechanic and all we've done so far is drained the transmission fluid and it came out clean I have talked to the owner of Christensen trucking and he says that the automatic power dividers go out sometimes and there are peanuts inside there that go bad and can cause the sound. I kind of agree with that but the sound clearly sounds gets coming from the front of the truck my next step was to take it to the mechanic and drain the power divider fluid and see if any metal shavings come out we have already checked all the U bolts and mounts and they are fine. the solution that my mechanic has is that I'm going to need a new transmission by the end of the year so my dilemma is do I put money into this truck and get a rebuilt 9 speed or do I put more money into it and get a 13 speed like I've always wanted that's built for the amount of torque that I'm making what all needs to be done to get a 13 speed into the trunk is it as simple as getting the 13 speed and lengthening the drive shaft? My other thought was to move on and buy a nice 379 Peterbilt but I'm sure you guys would like me to stay around so help me stay in the Mack
  14. It would be awesome to see done. I think the cheaper is about twice the weight. My amp is an alpine ktp445u powerpack.
  15. Im not sure. If it would work or not. I added two 3.5 inch speakers in the center and I also stuffed a mini amp with Velcro in the passenger side of headliner plastic pieces its holding up. Hope that helps guide you.
  16. Petermack, what is your fb. I want to see those pics!!!
  17. I MISS YOU GUYS!!!! I just logged onto the computer from the library, bought a house recently but been too lazy to get cable or internet lol. I love seeing your comments and pictures, thanks guys
  18. I hate your truck. It has everything i want. No spokes, superliner front end. DUAL exhaust. Can't figure out to do dual on my rd mack so i went with One slash cut pipe, I love your exhuast gaurds too, where did you get those? And............ i'm also jealous of your tanks and how the superliner has the air tank and battery box right next to eachother. FML HEY NICE TRUCK THOUGH!!!!!!!!
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