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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by dds92780

  1. Was wondering the same thing on my e7 350 rd mack. I have the 460 turbo on it and still have the stock 5 inch from dp to 4 inch reduced to muffler. I have been wanting to do something but obviously mack doesn't make anything. Am i best off just meausuring it all and go to iowa 80? I would like to just get 5 inch all the way through and then maybe 6 inches or so from the bottom of the truck up to the pipe. So no muffler. I was just wondering how it would sound on my truck and the best place to get a shiny pipe made for it??? Sorry to thread jack your thread though.
  2. Is the last picture a picture of a dog bringing a newspaper? at first i thought it was of a dog biting a flea off its rear lol
  3. Awesome, thanks for sharing!
  4. Hahahah, Slim Dusty ( my name is Dustin and i'm slim and i love my bulldog mack. (My new song)
  5. S and K made some good money on his stuff. Those Granite automatics went for 77500 a piece and some guy bought two 2008 dierzen dominator steel trailers for 38000 each!!! I should of waiting till the sale to sell my 1980 fruehaff dump trailer (22 foot aluminum) new brakes, painted wheels (black chrome theme ) woulda prob got 20k for it since it was one of the only aluminum trailers. Instead i sold to a guy two months ago for 10000. Oh well I toyed around with the idea of getting a newer truck but i like what i got and i like having zero payments so ill stick with the r model!
  6. Wow, i can't believe how much trailers are going for these days Isn't a new steel trailer like 30k? Whoever owned that trailer made some serious money
  7. Fuel report for today for me too : 95 Rd688s, E7 350, pump turned wide up, bigger injectors, 460 turbo, 4.42 rears 9 speed, getting to 40 pounds of boost at times but holding it around 30-35 all day. Getting on it after 35-40mph wide open when empty. 6 loads of gravel. 172 miles and 31.9 gallons used. =5.44 MPG
  8. Mine is a 4.42 and i can get up to 67mph
  9. More like 500. There was a guy that had a 460 on here that upgraded stuff and got to 550 hp his water temps and pyro were just getting too hot. it can be done though.
  10. That looks really nice so far!
  11. I just got bored and looking for attention and praising of my bulldog. Well, here are some pics. You can even see the upgraded 460 turbo with intercooler piping in of the pics. I even have a 500 watt amp with subwoofer under the passenger seat and an extra amp in the headliner to sound amazing going down the road. If anyone wants pics of that or video i have plenty. Sure a new truck might be better on my back but im loving this mack! Thanks for looking and drive safe Sorry if it's too many pics but this is where they belong . R Model!
  12. I think if you make the switch you will have to change the tires too. I am almost certain of that .
  13. I love the way this looks in white
  14. Who are you? Have I seen you before? I work out of boughton alot. Schoger is my name
  15. Kinda ticked off that i let my 80 rebuilt fruhauf go for 10k to some guy that wanted it. I thought it was a good deal 2 months ago but now i see the demand of these things. I had original floor in it with steel floor , tub design, new brakes, black painted boards. Only needed 500 dollars worth of welding. I lost my ass on that sale, prob could of gotten 14k for it It's okay i'm using the 94 slant nose Fruehaff now ( cant spell it right now lol )
  16. It should handle that but you might want a bigger turbo and injectors. The bottom end is pretty damn strong on these things though. Being that its a 90 im guessing its the e7400 mechanical which is the best engine mack made and most sought after from what i know, plus it has the best mechanical pump you can get. ( is the pump number 0 402 746 852? ) So to answer your question, if you get a bigger turbo and injectors and play with that pump, it should be able to handle 550 plus and get you hauling the heavy loads you are looking at. If you don't want it i'll buy it for a spare
  17. Should be a great truck. The E7 is an awesome engine in general. Is it an ETECH? or does it have a mechanical pump? My E7 350 has 450k on it right now with 20 percent oversized injectors, governor wide open and 427-460 turbo with 45 pounds of boost. From what i know is that all e7 bottom end and top ends are the same. The vmac ones just have lower compression pistons because they have electronic fuel injection, the mechanical bosch pump ones have higher compression pistons and thats the only difference. I would grab a truck that year in a heartbeat. good luck.
  18. Finally somebody that is honest about fuel mileage and not just bragging that they get 6-7 mpg hauling rock at quarries with stop and go traffic.
  19. 25500??? Wow that is a great empty weight. I remember my 89 r model being about 300 pounds lighter than my rd. What springs do you have on that r? 34k or 38k? that is damn light I talked to another guy that i work with and they have an axle trailer that they converted with air ride and super singles and they normally use the pete with it. He says it rides great. Now with that same trailer he sometimes uses the 89 R model with spring suspension and it hurts his back. My dad was saying there is no way that i can make my ride comfortable because its all in the geometry of the tractor. I don't really want to believe that because i have made this one bad ass R model from the sound system to 500+ hp, to the nice interior and shiny crap on the truck i would really hate to get rid of it
  20. Okay i really like my setup of my 95 mack Rd and my 94 freuhaff frameless trailer. I weigh about 28000 empty with it which isnt bad. So i was talking to an old timer today about suspension and how to be more comfortable and not take a beating. He said its not your truck with spring suspension that is rough on your back, its the trailer that doesnt have air ride that is hard on your back. ever notice when you are empty and when you hit bumps it kinda just moves you back and forth constantly? You feel it less when you are loaded but maybe you just don't notice that its screwing up your back. Question is, If i bought a brand new trailer with air ride and sold my current trailer, would an air ride trailer be better on my back even though i dont have air ride on the truck? It kinda makes sense to me because you got this big heavy trailer behind you and every bump you hit, it sends a vibration up toward you and just creates back pain after awhile. Would air ride be the solution? What do you all think or do you have any experience with or without. thanks
  21. Looks good Scott, did you ever find a good place to run your boost/vacuum line?
  22. I guess there aren't many people on here that have added power to their mack that care to chime in. Anyone else have an opinion? I have decided to just keep my current pump and maybe turn the pump back down. After all, i only drive with .25 -.5 throttle anyways and still get at least 5.5 mpg so i'm happy with that. I wish i knew how to turn it down though. I looked in the pump the other day. I took off the front cover with the two screws and i could see there is a screw on top in the pump with a locking nut, there is no thread left. I popped the middle cover off and its pushed all the way forward. Soo, if i want to turn my pump back down and dial it in the way i want to and experiment, is it as simple as just taking that locking nut off and turning the screw counterclockwise then putting the locking nut back on??? Or is there more involved than that?
  23. yes you are correct on all that, I guess that to spin a bigger turbo at a lower rpm you would need more fuel sooner and only a bigger pump will do that? What is the difference in my current pump being 11.5 degrees timing vs the 400hp one being 19 degrees timing??? What does that all mean? Will that be unsafe?
  24. Okay i have made numerous posts about my truck and the power i'm making with it but i really want to hear from the experts here. I will give a brief history of the truck and why i am where im at today with it. For starters its a 95 mack rd E7 350 mechanical with 442 rears and eaton 9 speed First thing i did was get the pump turned up about 15-20 percent. I was happy with it. Then i got Antrim oversized 20 percent injectors and i was very happy with how quick it responded and i could walk 427's and keep up with upper 450 hp trucks that cost 10x that mine did The turbo i was using was a Schwitzer S300 and i would get 35 lbs of boost by only 1250-1300 rpm running 1 percent biodiosel My pyro never got over 850 degrees with that setup. I would now drive my truck in the rpm range of 1100 to 1500 with partial throttle and it moved good without creating smoke The max boost i saw was 38 and thats on a really cold day. I would be able to climb long hills in overdrive for a full minute and my pyro never even got to 900 and my boost would be at 37, my coolant temp stayed around normal too So why did i want to change any of this? Truck ran like a dream. Well, i wanted to get a slightly larger turbo ( i felt my s300 was getting maxed out) so that i would get a little more power out of it and in doing so i was hoping to increase mpg. I know it seems backwards but it only makes sense to me that with a bigger turbo and if i'm able to drive on partial throttle then that means i would be getting a better match to the air with all the fuel i was already using up. The turbo i went with is the mack turbo S400 found in a 427-460 mack rd legend. It's got a 1.25 exhaust compressor size vs my old 1.1 5 inch from turbo to dp then reduced to a 4 inch to muffler I drove it for a day or two with the new turbo and i felt it wasn't any faster and maybe a tad slower than before so i headed to the pump shop where my guy turned it up more but i still didn't see much improvement in response Well, he turned it up all the way for me now. I don't want no streetrod truck because this is also a work truck. I'm just trying to get more useable power out of this turbo without waiting for a spool then power up top vs low What i noticed with it turned up all the way is that the boost comes on a little sooner but its strange because after 1600 rpm (which i never really take it to) starts to build more boost and get louder I told him i wanted to get the power sooner otherwise ill go back down on the pump and put the smaller turbo back on. He said that would be going backwards and that my pump is maxed out He said the pump i need is the mack 400 hp pump because it is setup for more power (my pump guy has a way of flow testing these pumps too) The pump number of my current pump is 0 402 746 642 and its already been rebuilt two years ago. The timing is set to 11.5 degrees The pump number he is recommending is 0 402 746 852 and it comes in the mechanical 400 hp mack and has timing of 19 degrees ( is this overkill)? he was telling me the old 300s ran 22 degrees of timing I can see the value in getting that pump because he will put it in his machine and see where the fuel is coming in at vs my current one just being the rack all the way forward. Are my pistons okay for doing all this?? My piston numbers are 240GC2250AM I just want to make sure this isn't a bad idea. I have all the gauges i need and i look at them constantly. Truck has 450k on it right now He told me that he has put bigger injectors, a 427 turbo and the 400 hp injection pump on a few macks and the guys have loved it. Are any of you guys on this site??? Only thing i can do is drive it for a week or so to really tell if i can get better mpg with half throttle on this bigger turbo than before and how it heats up. I have not pulled a load yet so we'll see i guess I just don't want to be a horror story of a blow headgasket or engine for that matter because i look at my gauges alot and i never floor it unless im in high side of gears. Is it best to just get a bigger S300 made by borg warner or is this the turbo i should be using??? Let me know what you all think and thanks for looking. (maybe this thread will help others too)
  25. My boost gets up to 35. My exhaust temp never goes higher than 850 Turns out my rack is all the way forward on this setup. (yikes) Still shocked how good its running though My pump guy says the next best thing to do is to get a 400 hp mack mechanical pump and its got better parts in it to make more power and then have it flow matched to my turbo Am i best off just going with a smaller turbo?? He says that he has put a bigger turbo and injectors with this pump on a few trucks and the guys loved it My only concern is that the current pump im using was 11.5 degrees timing and the 400 hp one is 19 degrees timing He does make a good point though. on my current pump all we kept doing was moving the rack forward, on the new pump we can fine tune it on guess once its off the truck What is the difference between those two pumps to where i should make a switch???
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