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About Stan

  • Birthday 10/16/1953


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    New Hope, AL

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  1. Whoops! The Heart of Dixie Chapter's show is on Sept. 17, not 24. Sorry. Stan
  2. Hi folks, Thought I'd better take a few minutes and introduce myself here, even though I'm already acquainted with several of you. I'm 51 years old, have been a machinist for about 18 years or so, did maintenance work in a chemical plant for about 10 years before that, and just recently started hauling cars, supposedly part-time, seems to be full-time. I got the truck-bug from my Dad, who was a life-long trucker, starting about 1938 or so. I rode many miles in a B-61 SA tractor when he was hauling cotton around the southeast in the 60's. You know how it is when you're young and you like the smell of that diesel smoke and the rattle of those big hosses. I just never let the dawg out'o the bag till about 3 years ago. Then bought an old rusty H67 Mack.............then another....................then a sweet-running, wonderful sounding, B-61 single-axle that really needs a good cab.................then a '52 Peterbilt that was more than ready to make the 1700 mile trip home from Arizona where I adopted it. I've been hauling a couple of antique tractors to shows with the B-61 and the Pete over the last couple of summers, but this year have had to abandon the tractor-shows due to work. Guess that's more'n you care to know about just one more redneck with a love for things that "smoke, rattle, and roll".
  3. Come on down! The Heart of Dixie Chapter's show will be Sept. 24 at Liberty Truck Sales (Freightliner dealer) in Birmingham, AL. Exit 264 off I65, go west less than half-mile, on the left. Get there early and stay late. Gonna have somebody on-site cooking catfish and hush-puppies. I'm expecting to have my '52 Pete and my world-famous (famous in my world anyhow) B-61, "ole purple" there. Guess I could give (or sell?) a few 83 mph rides up the super-slab for fund-raising purposes. Nah, with my luck the only fund-raising done would be by the Bama Hi-po. Really now, ya'll swang on in heah and visit with us fer a spell, ya heah? Feel free to call for details, and I'll surely tell you something. Stan Walls 256-520-3347
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