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Everything posted by Mackman61

  1. For Sale Mack My Bad Luck could be your good fortune I believe I Broke A piston Rod On this Truck Haven’t Been Able to Confirm This But its My Best Guess No Money To Repair Or Evan to Retrieve Brock down in Southeast OH cant afford towing charges to MI Must Sell For Parts Or Repair ,80% tires brakes 40%. New Rad AC Air To AIR 6 Mouths Ago Complete Frount end Rebuilt King Pins Tie Rod Ends Ball Joints 3 Axle Alignment Tire Ware Fun nominal Installed Hardwood Flores, wood steering wheel Complete Chicken light Package and oversize Beacon lights Batteries Less than a year old Tool box and chain Carrier 6,000.00 or best offer Year 1997 CH 600 Gold Mack Double Bunk Condo Bunk Beds Fridge TV DVD Mack 13 Speed Trans 3,68 Mack Rears Double Air Rid 475 E Mack Motor Just Replace All Injectors Around 700,000 Miles Also If Intertested Have Position for the Truck Just Paid For New MI Tags A Mounth Ago Plates Are Non Refundable But Can Be Transferd To a Differant Viehicle May Be Interested in selling the Tags or leasing to a truck possable job Contract Somthing I wood ConsiderMust Have Good Driving Record For Insurance Details .
  2. I put Back together still got issues run it for around 250 miles didn't show any problems till I got to the mountains went through a gallon of antifreeze in 50 miles after it got up to 200 degrees toped it up left the cap loose didn’t use any more So i figure it has to have a cracked head I put some sealer in the antifreeze for head cracks and blocks didn't figure it would work surprised me it did over 2000 miles so far with the cap tight no signs of any problems yet
  3. I have lots Of Luck On EBay Mack Parts
  4. When I Pressure Tested fore antifreeze getting into the fuel I ran the motor up to 180 degrees pulled the crossover line between the heads off pressurized the antifreeze up to 20lbs and there was no fuel being forced out the fuel line holes I’m going to reverse the test by applying air to the fuel and looking for air bubbles in antifreeze
  5. Changed Head Gaskets Twice still having problems antifreeze Turned a whisky color drained it foamed up like diesel , Don’t Have a fuel heater on it Had the oil pan off pressure tested no antifreeze seeping down not getting antifreeze in the oil replaced all injector seals don’t know if that was the cause of diesel in my oil or not
  6. All The Above And I had a similar problem found the Problem in the cut off swith on the floor dont know if you have one or not but cheanen the conection and bypassed the switch by conecting the cables to one side fixed the problem
  7. How Can I check The liner Seats And is it posible that disiel can come frome the top of the liners down through into the antifreeze still havent located the sorce of fuel into the antifreeze heads checked out OK pressure tested Magnifluxed no crackes in heads
  8. I m Wanted to Know if the engine should be hot when i retorque the heads or should i let it cool down to rertorque heads
  9. You Can Try Ebay Motors I remember seeing a Motor on there dont Know If it still listed go to Outher Parts then Pull Up Mack on the list and search throurgh Frontier Has A lot of engines Might get lucky There
  10. Good Luck I Just Looked One Up At Kent Moore Tools for $795.00
  11. OK sounds good havent got heads back yet from machine shop
  12. When Replacing Head Gasket Is There some kind of a sealent i can put on the fire rings I was tolled to oil them up also the head gaskets not shure if that is going to do anything or not thought some kind selent would be better Maybe luccus would be good Any Thoughts will be apprectiated still trying To Locate The Source Of the Fuel Getting Into My Antifreeze And my Oil the heads are at the machine shop getting magnufluxed checking for cracks
  13. No fuel Heater Wheni removed The Cap on top of The Injetors there is oil covering the the top of the injector on all but two of the injectors very little oil on two rear injectors if that means anything Not shure
  14. I have Fuel In My AntiFreeze And In My Oil ,antifreeze looks life a wisky color, oil level goes up and oil seemes thinner no oder of fuel droped pan presurized the fuel line cant see any oil driping down anywere puled the caps of the top of the injectors cant see any fuel comming out the top semes to hold the pressure so what nect head Gasket prisurize antifreeze posible cracked head Its a 454 1997
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