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Wayne Gentry

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    Hope B.C.

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  1. My wife is a rock hound! Equipment is for her hobby, polishing and cutting!
  2. Update on our B-61, We have finished the sides on the flatdeck, secureing the camper in and providing plenty of storage for Marilyn's rocks and equipment! I get some room too! LOL We have embarked on another trip south, hope all goes as well as last year.
  3. We got about 30,000 into the truck on my profile, plus about 3 and a half months labour x 2. We picked up a solid, good running dump for $5 grand to start with! Some of the stuff I see out there, would realy up the costs. It was well worth the effort tho, turnes a lot of heads, and brings out the old stories and memories from a lot of folk! .
  4. I tried to buy tis truck this spring, but the seller backed out! Still not sure why, but I got one in Montana instead!
  5. Burnin Oil, I need a set of front brake drums. Mine are Mack pt # 17-QJ-449A-P1 the # is on te drum.
  6. Jim, I just found your post, what a sweet job you did! I wish I had found it sooner, my wife and I just did a 66, B 61. We were going to use the D 644, and Allison, but ended up keeping the 711 mack and marrying it to a Fuller 15 and 3:90 Rockewell. We used lots of Dynamat, in and out, but still have more noise than we wanted. You put some nice detailing into yours, you have to be proud of her.I would be interested in some numbers on speeds, rpm and fuell milage and power. We are on our maiden voyage, so just looking to find out if we would have been better off with the 644/Alison combo. We run 55 mph at 1500 rpm a little low for the Mack keeps it quieter tho! Well, good luck on the track! Wayne
  7. Well, we finaly have her on the road! Still a few things to do, but her breakin trip to Arizona went well. Could have used a lower gear ratio, as she lopes along at 55 mph turning 1500. Here are some pics, Arizona bound.MOV
  8. Nice truck! It needs to work!
  9. Thanks Bob, we would love to make it to one! Here are mor pics, we got the cab back from the paint shop.
  10. Sweet, Thanks 4 posting the pics! We will stop by on our way thru! Nice to see all the tired iorn!
  11. Yes Bob, it was Ross i called. Tomastractorsvc, Yes, that is what I found out! I just have to get 'em built! And Fifth wheel, That was my plan "B" or "C", LOL Couldn't find anyone willing to certifi it tho! Well, it is comeing together now, everything back in the frame now, fired it up. Got the cab back from the paint shop, and should pick up the rest this week. Studs should be ready next week. Will be posting more pictures soon!
  12. Got the cab back from the paint shop yesterday!
  13. Well, I couldn't find studs. I did find a machine shop that would build them. Thanks again for the help!
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