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chief doug

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Everything posted by chief doug

  1. I remember when a company I worked for did this, the rim is pressed on the spoke with a lot of tonnage. Because it was only a show truck we cut the rim and spread it slightly and rewelded it before the new rubber was vulcanized on so there was less pressing to reassemble
  2. with the angled turbo, looks to be a 237 maxidyne with a twin stick 6 speed maxitorque
  3. i thought a 15 you split the bottom, a 13 you split the top, and an 18 you can split both
  4. adjusting the free play won't get you clutch brake adjustment. you need to establish a clutch brake then adjust the free play
  5. no, cold engine- there are cyl numbers on the balancer. 2 per line. only do the one the pertains to the valves no down then turn to the next one. if you do it like a car there will be no compression. I learned that my first time.
  6. try adjusting the valves, it could be a loose valve seat- very common, could last for years like that
  7. get one of those inline spark checkers and watch it flash, see if it stops flashing as it stalls. that should narrow it down to ignition or fuel
  8. the dm and r models have a solenoid in the dash , I think it controls the guages too. maybe on yours too
  9. i used to repower 237's with 300's. mack said that was the highest hp to put on a 5 speed
  10. does the air continue to drop while on the brake. If not check all the tanks for water or oil. If there's oil or water in the tanks, it takes away from air capacity, literally makes it like the tanks are smaller.
  11. without seeing it, it can be a check valve for the two separate air circuits , if it has them. (the red and green needles). It would mean nothing unless you blew a line on one side and didn't have the separation
  12. I was always taught if you're gonna swing a hammer, swing a big one
  13. how big a hammer are you using
  14. if air is getting to the motor, pull the air line off and spray some penetrating oil in it and reconnect the line.
  15. heli-coil to the same size so all are torqued to the same value
  16. too small for that, more like alignment tools for cars
  17. company I used to work for had an R model with an Allison. good for doing curbs Early 90's truck I believe
  18. change the cans, the springs are shot
  19. if it's not holding with the parking brake and the adjustment is correct, I would start by replacing the rear brake chambers. Also make sure the right length slack adjuster is used and the right size chamber ( I.E. a 24/24 can or a 30/30 can ETC). It's a leverage thing.
  20. mack had different pistons if I remember right. The "dish" of the piston had a different depth and center. could you have been given the wrong pistons? just a thought
  21. before you go any farther, when was the last time the valves were adjusted.
  22. you better hope it can't make it to the filter . the screen on the pickup tube will prevent that. drain the oil and see if it flows out, I had that happen on a cat. if not get a magnet and try to fish it out the drain hole. chances are it won't hurt anything
  23. can you post a picture of it
  24. if anyone has a chance to go to the brewery in pottsville I would reccomend it. it's the oldest brewery in the nation. My wife took me there last summer and I wanted to stay. It's great being able to buy it in Connecticut, I got tired of going out of state for my beer.
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