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dave gaffey

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About dave gaffey

  • Birthday 02/06/1963


  • Location
    moontabay south australia

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    4x4ing,fishing driven my 89 V8 mackadyne
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  1. have just updated the old girl,have put new diff's & airbags under her,fitted ABS & had her lengthened,hopefully she will be b-double,b-triple & roadtrain rated to 90.000kgs now,will update pic's shortly.cheers dave

  2. thanks ,have already done that?? might just have to rewire???!!!!
  3. now thats a real motor have the same engine in mine!! my cab needs a new paint job! u don't want to come down under & paint it for do you?? cheers dave can't wait to see it put together
  4. hi,i have a 89 r722 model valueliner V8 .can any one help me with a flasher problem?? when i put on r/hand side flasher with motor idling it works perfect but when i put the rev range up it will just stay on, at idle it is putting out 12.5 volts but when revs are up it shows 14 volts. have checked all wire looms for shorts but have not been able to solve problem.has anyone got any suggestions cheers dave.
  5. Name: mackadyne R722RS7 (1989) Date Added: 15 June 2012 - 07:17 PM Owner: dave gaffey Short Description: valueliner with E9 500 h/p plus goes like the clappers View Vehicle
  6. Name: mackadyne Date Added: Owner: dave gaffey dave gaffey
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