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JTFormula last won the day on June 19 2013

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About JTFormula

  • Birthday 07/04/1972


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    Brick, NJ

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    Old cars, big trucks, motorcycles, bicycles and guitars.
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  1. It's been quite a while since I have been on here but wanted to pop on and say Merry Christmas everyone!
  2. Honestly, in the class 6 market, no one is ordering any of these trucks as a manual transmission. The non-CDL buyer is looking for an easy to drive truck so they can put any driver in a truck and go. Not once did any of my Freightliner, Kenworth, Peterbilt, Hino, or International buyers ask for a manual transmission.
  3. I got a copy of the brochure for the new MD which has all the specs. Check it out. MD6.pdf
  4. Murphys on RT 1 in Rahway NJ has one of these inside of his shop with a 25t wrecker body on it. It would be cool to see these being used on the road again.
  5. I, for one, am excited about this. I have been hoping for a Mack medium duty for a while now. While I don't think they will be a big player, I think it is a good option if the price is right. One thing I hope is they have chrome for these. The black treatment is a bit bland. I would love to build a class 6 flatbed rollback for towing. The Cummins is a solid choice considering everything else in that market has that motor. IH, KW, Pete, FL etc. I sell Jerr-Dan tow trucks for a living and the Hino is the leader in this market. Freightliner I would say has the second and KW third. The F650 is the best priced Class 6 truck but the 6.7 Powerstoke does not have the reliability that the Cummins does. My favorite truck out of the ones I sell are the T270/370 chassis. The quality of the truck, the ride, fit and finish outshines over the others in this segment. I have a few years of driving a Hino flatbed and its very driver friendly with a fishbowl visibility, as well as turning radius that beats all others. Hopefully I will get the chance to drive the MD for comparison.
  6. This thing is fantastic. That's a glorious piece of Mack history.
  7. This was by far the best SuperBowl ad in years. Whoever was the ad company was who thought this one up was genius.
  8. And the last post was 2018. Probably a good idea to delete the old for sale ads if the truck is gone.
  9. Also the side marker lights were introduced in 68. 67 Didn't have them
  10. I am disappointed I was not able to make it this year. Sad part was, I went to Dorney Park later in the day with my wife to meet up with her brother and wife. I had a customer who was supposed to show up Saturday morning to pick up a new Hino tow truck I was selling him. Well, by noon he said he wasn't going to make it and it just killed the day. I wish the guy told me ahead of time because my wife and I would have come out to the show first, then meet my Bro-In-Law at the park. So frustrating. As a consolation, I did get to see several of the trucks leaving on 78 as we were coming into the area. See you guys next year.
  11. Excellent. I'm looking forward to it. I'll actually try to register this time
  12. Tom is who I met. Very solid guy. I expected to be there for about 20 minutes, stayed for 2.5 hours swapping stories. Great guy. I want to try to help him out with these things. I went there looking at this 534 gas powered 79 L900 he had for sale.
  13. I just met a guy this morning with a bunch of moving trailers and a couple trucks for sale. He said come down, make a fair offer, and leave with the trailer. He is motivated to sell 1958 Kentucky Trailer - Sitting for a while. Some rust. Hasn't been moved in about 20 years. 1978 Kentucky Trailer - Was in used until 2014 1973 White Road Boss 230 Cummins 6-Speed - Last registered 2014 1990 Dorsey Trailer - Last used about 5 years ago 1972 Ford F600 with Aluminum Box - Last used early 2000's 1972 Ford F600 with metal box - Was used in Goodfellas movie! Last used early 2000's 1982 Ford L900 Gas Single Axle Tractor - Missing some dash pieces. He didn't give me prices, he just said make a fair offer. Located in Old Bridge NJ
  14. Apparently that don’t have a clue what they have. But they listed with an big unrealistic sticker price on something they have absolutely no idea what it is. Hey man, what is it? I don’t know? What do you think it’s worth? It’s old, it’s got to be at least $20k SMH https://cnj.craigslist.org/atq/d/1938-ch-mack/6620876895.html
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