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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by JTFormula

  1. That is exactly the set up I thought of when I looked at this. Fun truck to pull a trailer to swapmeets and events.
  2. I agree with not publicizing these shootings. Too many copycats. If they are not going to be on national news then it might not be worth it to these lunatics.
  3. I had a haul in Leola going back to NJ so I picked up my vehicle first then showed at Gerharts at a little after noon. I found Mike Mackman and were told most of you guys were already gone. I had some lunch, bought some little trucks from one of the vendors, walked the show and the stuff out back. I stayed until 2:30 and figured I'd head back since no one was there. I was dissappointed we didn't do a group photo this year. Still I'm glad I went, got to see Mike, stared at the B61 in the junk yard again, and see what trucks were there. Here I am parked by the crane yard.
  4. Save some of that heat from the food for us tomorrow
  5. I will be there on Saturday. I have a transport I need to do too that the pick up is only 10 miles from Gerharts. Win win situation. Come out for trucks, and get paid to do it!
  6. High of 62 with clouds and rain on Saturday. Friday says heavy rainfall and only 54 degrees. I was planning on going both days but it looks like I'll just come on Sat with an umbrella and mud boots.
  7. It was a good show but they should really call it the Peterbilt nationals because 65% of the trucks there were Petes. Another 20% Kenworths and the next big amount were Macks. Beyond that, not a lot of everything else. Murf - E-town is always a bad cell zone. It work be a great place for a tower. 85snowdog - it's without a doubt me on the brakes because under no stress braking I have no problems. Honestly this is the 4th time I drove the truck in 3 years of ownership so it's really just inexperience. It's amazing that I can drive it at all with no one teaching me. Just advice from you guys and a few YouTube videos. I know a couple drivers who offered to teach me so I just have to take them up on the offer. Most of all, just get out there and drive it.
  8. OK everyone, I got over a 100 pictures of the show. General didn't make it there. There was nothing wrong with the truck, just the driver. I was having difficulty downshifting under stress and was locking the brakes up so before I got into more traffic I brought the General back to my parking spot. But I have the whole thing on video which I will post in my General thread. Link to the pictures. http://s387.photobucket.com/user/jtformula/library/Englishtown%20Diesel%20Truckin%20Nationals%202015
  9. I wouldn't pay more than $1500. V6 is a slug and it has issues. Just because he overpaid doesn't mean you have to.
  10. That grill was from 91-93, Fuel injection started in 88 or 89 if I remember correctly. I've had three Ramchargers (1983, 1990, 1991) as well as an 86 Shortbed 4x4. The shortbed 4x4 is by far the hardest to find, especially without rust. Great motors, great trans, these things run forever. buy it and don't look back. You will be happy in the long run.
  11. So here is my latest update after almost 1 year and 4 months. Between money issues and schedule issues I had with my diesel mechanic I finally got to diagnose the non-running situation. Basically I was forced to since I left my job of 15 years, not by choice, and I had to get my truck out of there. It wound up being the fuel pump was faulty. We wired in a temporary electric pump to get it to fire up and drive it to my new storage lot where I am parking this and my rollback. Sucker still runs good. My shifting has improved which is odd since I haven't driven it at all. I guess it was because I closed the door on my hand this time. The new correct pump went in last week so its ready to go. I am driving it to the Diesel Truckin Nats in Englishtown, which is only 20 miles from where its parked. My wife is coming for the momentous occasion as well. I will have a GoPro video of the ride which I will crop down for time and post it sometime soon. This is very significant not only for the fact that I get to take it out again, but I will fulfill my promise to the woman I purchased it from that I will show the truck in honor of her late uncle who bought it a month before he passed away.
  12. Give me a call guys when you are there. 732 673 2347. I'm driving the General down, unwashed and all!
  13. Randy - Nuts! I figured with the rain and a few trucks were already heading out I didn't realize there was a parade still. Plus I had an Art Gallery opening later that night so I wanted to get back in time to show support for my friend who is the proprietor. Next year ill be sure to hang around.
  14. I will be there both days! I doubt I'll take the General as now its in travel test mode and its a but far to take the chance at this point in time but we will see. Heck maybe ill roll out with the flatbed.
  15. This was my first time going. I got to hang out with Randy and his clan plus got to see Ron and missed Ken. I think the Aussie VL was the highlight of the show. Next would be sneaking into the brand new Pinnacle around back and poking around in that thing. If I was in the market for a new truck, I would highly consider one of those. I'll be back next year.
  16. I'll see you guys on Saturday. I'll most likely arrive around 11.
  17. Last year I made excuses about the rain and the $30 fee but this year I am determined to go. Also the General is on schedule to make its first truck show appearance there. Who's going and what are you bringing, if anything?
  18. Nice truck. I love the single axle R's and with the 5-speed, it makes it an easy truck to drive for a hobby rig. If I only had money...
  19. I'm planning on coming to the Mack show myself. VA I will miss. In more exciting news the General WILL be making its show debut at the Englishtown Diesel Truckin Nats on the 19th of September.
  20. Nice score. How about some pictures of the inside of that sleeper?
  21. I have historic tags on my General and Gulfway insurance. They allow me to pull a trailer as long as it's for my own use and not commercial use. Since I've only driven this thing locally a couple times, I've never came across a scale but I'd probably pull in just to be on the safe side.
  22. In NJ as long as its registered as Historic a CDL is not required since its no longer for commercial use. I'm still planning on using the General to get my CDL anyway but its not required.
  23. I had seen a post on Facebook after the auction ended. I would have gone to this too. I might have bid on that rollback... Might have.
  24. I remember late 80's the local Chevy dealer had crew cab dually c30/r30's with full conversions with stainless pushbars, headache racks, aluminum wheels, side steps, tri color paint, real wood interior trim with captains chairs etc for $22k and I thought wow that's a crapload of money. My sister worked for Gibbs Mazda in Columbia SC around 1990 selling B2200's for $7500 new. Now you can't touch a decent 1/2 ton for at least $35,000 and $60+ for a diesel dually. Used oil burners are still $20-25k with 150-175k miles
  25. Good seeing everyone. My favorite was the old crusty B model wrecker. I'll post a picture once I get them cropped.
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