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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by JTFormula

  1. Pay attention and take notes. I hear there is a pop quiz at the end of the week. Now I am going to sneek a smoke in the bathroom. Warm me if the teacher comes in.
  2. Here are the bed shots. Interesting truck
  3. I emailed the seller for some more pictures. I didn't realize this was a rollback flatbed. That was one of the things I was in a serious market for to put into daily use. I'll post pictures when the seller sends them to me. I have a feeling he/they don't have much ebay experiance. He gave me a little more info: "The truck is a single axle and it is a Mack Motor and has a 5 spd manual transmission. It has a roll back bed."
  4. http://youtu.be/ysT9ZskB6eY Cool video
  5. We use central dispatch at work. I can get the going wholesale broker rate for you if you still need it moved.
  6. The Supreme Court handed a courthouse victory to President Barack Obama on Thursday, but also gave him another campaign-trail problem. The already unpopular 2010 health care reform law has been converted by the court into a $1.76 trillion tax increase funded by escalating taxes to be paid the vast majority of taxpayers. GOP officials are pushing this Obamacare-to-Obamatax pitch, and are suggesting that the tax will further stall the economy. “Do we think [the Obamacare tax] is going to help economic growth? … it is one more piece of evidence that the Obama administration is hurting our economic growth,” Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio told Fox News. Recent polls show the law is supported by roughly 40 percent of the (moron) population, but is opposed by roughly 55 percent. The vast majority of the law’s existing supporters likely will vote for Obama in November, regardless of the court’s decision. But opponents of the law include a critical slice of the critical swing-voting bloc. Polls show the swing-voters are already leaning against Obama because of the stalled economy, high unemployment and record deficits. “Obamacare raises taxes on the American people by approximately $500 billion dollars [and] cuts Medicare by approximately $500 billion dollars,” he said in a TV statement with Congress in the background. “Obamacare [adds] billions to our national debt and pushes obligations to oncoming generations… [it] means for up to 20 million Americans they will lose the insurance they currently have,” he said. “Obamacare is a job killer… and perhaps most troubling of all, Obamacare puts you between the federal government and your doctor,” he said. Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/06/28/obamacare-becomes-obamatax/#ixzz1zF4O5N91 Thats right people NObamaTAX should wake up the rest of the country!
  7. I guess the pics in your profile just didn't show the bad stuff. From what it looked like, there was just surface rust. I didn't get the email with the pictures yet so I'll see what you have when you do. Thats going look sweet when you are done with the bed on it. Take your date to the prom when the time comes.
  8. Vinny, I just checked out those pictures. Very cool to see you down to the frame. I was wondering though because you said the cab is shot beyond repair. From what I see, it looks pretty solid. What is bad on the cab that can't be fixed?
  9. Picture of my two stroke Harley SS175 with 1,000 original miles:
  10. A deal is only good if I can try to buy it. Seller still hasn't returned my phone call yet.
  11. It is a Holmes unit but the guy didn't say which model. I was thinking it was most likely a 600. But then again now that I see the big spools you could be right on the 850. That would be interesting as its a B42 gas powered truck with a HD wrecker unit.
  12. Thanks for the input. Long wheel base is idea for towing heavy stuff but this is really just going to be a toy. I might pick up some junks here and there so I don't need something big. If this happens, I'll take T-Bone up with his offer of helping haul it back home. I'd rather use the right equipment then trying to finagle using a truck that isn't right to handle it. That's how people get hurt. I haven't heard back from the seller after a few email exchanges and I left a phone message the other day for him. If its sold or the guy flaked out, its no big deal. I have time and I don't need something yesterday.
  13. I sent you a message the other day but didnt hear from you.
  14. 10-4 good buddy
  15. Dont forget how they quickly awarded a Noble Peace Prize to NObama. That must have been one hell of a Grape Coolaid receipe: The Nobel Peace Prize 2009 was awarded to Barack H. Obama "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples". . . . And socialist views
  16. Obama Care Supreme Court ruling is the joke of the day. WAKE UP PEOPLE!
  17. The trams are still in use in Wildwood. Damn things go "watch the tram car please" and people still walk in front of them. Kinda like 4 wheelers cutting off a fully loaded dump then slamming on the brakes.
  18. Nothing better than getting greasy and dirty from getting your hands on your project. There is a big sense of pride turning a wrench and doing the work yourself. We need pictures...
  19. It always amazes my how sellers don't bother moving their truck/cars to an open area to take good pictures. How the heck are we supposed to know if that's a flatbed or what the heck is on the back of the truck? What you see thru the view finder is what you are taking a picture of. Any seller that doesn't want to take the time to give some real description of their item or doesn't want to bother taking good pictures, probably isn't someone you would want to bother buying from. Description: "Truck - buy it" Even worse is those buyers who take pictures at night time. It's like they woke up at 3am saying "Oh crap, I have to sell RIGHT NOW" Maybe because I do this for a living and I take every car to the park or a wooded area behind my shop to get some good professional pictures so people can see what it is. I also spend the time on each vehicle to make sure its fully described to the best of my ability. If I were the buyer, what would I want to know and see? this is what I want the people to know who might be buying from me. Here is a link to a Kodiak we had for sale a few years ago. You can clearly see everything. http://www.futureclassicsnj.com/closeup.cfm?id=441&type=sold&page=29&a=5389 OK, I am done with my rant.
  20. I might have a 1000cca battery at my shop or I can pick one up. I can always use it for my trailer winch if this thing doesn't work out. Maddog - so my guess was close at around 11-12000lbs. The 413 is a great engine we have a 65 New Yorker and a 64 Chrysler 300 in stock both equipped with a 413. Plus I just sold a 72 Valiant with a built 413. That thing was an animal. Still I think if I did an engine swap I would do diesel. One step at a time.
  21. Darn it, I was going to post that when i found the graphic on the computer. I have to move quick I see.
  22. You guys hit a couple points I was thinking myself. Battery and some fuel fed into the carb from a remote can. What size battery (s) should I get to try it out? As for weight, I was taking a wild guess. I found an International KB8 with a home made wrecker body on the Scranton CL and when I looked up the weight of the chassis it stated 8,000 without the body. My old Chevy C30 wrecker body was around 1800 lbs now that I think about it so this one is going to be a bit more stout. TBone I might take you up on the offer. Another hand and the proper equipment may be the key. I'll send you a pm when I have more of a clue what's going on. As for price, if all is solid and workable, I was going to start at $2000 and top off at $2500. I have the feeling the owner isn't getting much action. Plus since he has no clue I am thinking he just wants it off the property. I buy and sell classic cars for a living so negotiations are my strong point.
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