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Everything posted by fwhitesides

  1. tried adjusting the passenger door but it still wiggles and pops open, changed the latch from another truck and still no luck, anybody got a trick on these ? thanks in advance.
  2. 1998 613, back working on it again, has 460 motor think the fuel drains out of system some how , I pump the hand pump but still cranks along time, and might fire couple times after around 5secounds cranking, put new filters on
  3. engine e-7 460 cranks over 10-15 seconds before it will start, any help appreciated!
  4. wondering which insulator pads are best got a 99 rd 688 with 4inch springs and 3 1/2 inch trunnion, I`m replacing the trunnion bushings and pads and there`s a few choice`s to make , seems the bottom pads get wore first from over loading , my dump truck think they are 38,000 # or 40,000# someone said how do you tell from 44000#? and what pads should I run ? have a 10qk36c on bottom and a 10qk356a on top, thanks for your input

  5. anyone know where to get a good tranny cheap?, I apreicate any help i can get, cant aford to be down and cant aford new one. thanks you very much if you can help.
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