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busted knuckle 1840

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Everything posted by busted knuckle 1840

  1. Hi, this is busted knuckle 1840. I have been a diesel tech for over 20 years, the past 12 years have been spent in a mack shop in upstate ny where I grew to really love mack iron. That being said I still think that CAT is my favorite engine. I left the mack dealership due to health problems and to persue another line of work that is not as hard on the body, also after volvo decided to change all of the great things about mack I felt it was time for change. I still drive a 1999 mack ch613 with e7 427 18 speed fuller. the truck belongs to a close friend i made while working at the dwalership. Any way just a little of who I am. Looking foward to hearing from other mack people. Thanks bustedknuckle 1840.
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