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Reuhlz last won the day on November 21 2013

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About Reuhlz

  • Birthday July 13


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    Massey Harris Tractors, a couple JD tractors, B Mack Trucks
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  1. It was mentioned when it was for sale a year or so ago, that there was an axle swap to non-Mack Air Ride. Therefore it would be a safer bet that this is not the original length.
  2. Looks like a fruehauf trailer to me...
  3. I was trying to help out fuzzy buzzard modify the format into a more usable format. He has shared the list with me maybe 6 months ago. It is formatted into a word document and there was no good way to pull the data out of it and into a database or excel without re-typing everything into a new format. So unfortunately, I didn't have much luck getting it updated. I am afraid Mack58B42 is on the right track with the manual entry.
  4. Looks like the link is taken down. Did someone on here pick this up?
  5. That is cool. Do you have any interior pictures? Does the whole cab tilt forward for engine access?
  6. November 2014 it was for sale @ $7,500
  7. Was that your yellow one that match the moving trailer?
  8. This is the only angle I have right now. Sorry, I don't have one from the middle. Drew
  9. I attended a tractor show in Illinois in 2009 and they brought in this Big Bud as the main attraction. For a sense of size, I am on the left and am 6'4" and can't see over the tire. They are HUGE machines. It took thousands of dollars to just move this beast around the country. I have also attached the transport trailer for the Big Bud. There were other trailers for just the tires. A very cool machine to see in person. Drew
  10. That was always the plan! The only bad part is: time, money, space and skills - there is always something lacking!!
  11. Both explanations make sense. I have been researching toter vehicles for quite a while and this will be a cool conversation.
  12. That conversion will be beyond cool (same with your previous bus). Can't wait for the updated progress pictures. How does the 10 person cab seating arrangement look on the inside? Do you have any pics of that? Drew
  13. I was interested and had many email discussions with the owner about pricing and logistics of the "freshened up" B. Then, one day I never heard from him again. I also believe he has not been active on here since that time. I honestly hope he is ok as I kept reaching back out every couple of months or so via email. I never had his phone number.
  14. Looking good for sure. I like the ipad mount in the cab. What you you use the ipd for: music, gps, digital engine gauges, etc? Just curious. Drew
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