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About windwalker

  • Birthday 06/04/1941


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    williston south carolina

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    trucker for 39 yrs. love old trucks and car but espically trucks.owned and ran a 1960 h-67 over 21 states
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  1. Yeah,Things were a lot better back in those days,not as much dot crap,not as much weight stations,and fuel was cheap,truckers back then were very friendly to each other,and we had a lot of respect also from the public.I loved it then. I would not be scared to run my h today,but i would upgrade to a c-13 cat(it would fit in the h ok,and change the gear ratio to a 355,for fuel milage.and i would haul what ever i wanted to,but in a dry van area. I wouldn't have a problem. but it cost a lot of money and now i am retired and not as much cash to spend on a big project. of coarse i would make money if i had the set up. Cost to much to get started now.
  2. Yes,I had my own trailer(45x96) produce van, and my exempt auth.I trip leasedfor back hauls if no exempt loads were ava. I ran out of chas. S.C. my wife rode in her first truck in that mack. we had a ball!! She slept one way and i would turn the other,the sleeper was so narrow,haha I went where i wanted and came home when i wanted! We had ac on top of cab. I hauled mostly for clear lake truck brokers,in orlando fla. 1977-to early eighties,But i then got a 77 cab-over ford. But wish i had that mack right now.It cost about 10-15 gran. new in 1960!! can't make a down pym. now for that on a new truck.
  3. Oh yes i do,some great ones,i will post a couple,when i fig. out where to post them on here.
  4. All my b-61's were day cabs,with the 673 thermo and 205 hp,and they had 10 speed duplex.I ran local in and out of the ports of chas,and i ran to fla. to get mellons also and brought them back to sc. One i had was only a 673 with no blower,and had about 160-170 hp,it was not to peppy,LOL But the 205's did a pretty good job. for no more hp,than that. Very tough trucks!!
  5. Sorry,No i do not,i wish i had kept some but i cant find any in my old photoes. i gave$ 2,500for that truck,and my first load paid me$1,050,lol An my back haul was $500 in 1981,almost got my money back the first round trip.!!
  6. I ran a 1960 mack H-67 in the early eighties,it had the origional 673 thermodyne engine, with blower,205 hp,and a 9 speed 2 stick overdrive tran. it did ok up i-95, held about 55-60 mph. pulling about 45-48000lbs. and i had a 28 inch sleeper. i loved the truck and ave. about 7 mpg. b ut you would be better of to put a newer engine in it, cause they are very slow on the big hills. I know also that the big engines wont fit most of them. but the cat -c13 would and you can go to 470 hp even some had 525hp. they are smaller than a big cam 400 cummins! or a 11 ltr. cummens would fit. i know a guy who put a 300 maxadyne in his b-61,he had a time but got it working an ean it for a long time in chas. sc. I wish i still had my h-model,i would run it today. Just rebuild an update your mack an make it with more modern parts an you will do very well.I have been there with 39 years in trucking,and i also ran 3 b-61's to fla and back from sc, hauling watermellons. Good luck and keep us posted. my email is white3000@yahoo.com(for the old white trucks,LOL
  7. Oh ny God,63,i would hate to drive that thing on a trip,no way would i drive for a co. that goverened one to 63 mph!! But the truck sounds great.
  8. Hi, Every one i am new here,but not to trucking, 39 years in that business. I am an old school trucker ,loved to dress western style and keep up a great image of truckers,like they used to be. (No cut-off's and tank-tops and flip-flip flops, for me,Sorry new truckers of nowdays) I retired in 05,and drove part time until 08,but none since and i do miss it. I used to run a 1960 h-67 mack cab over,(flat floor) in the early eighties,it had a 673 thermodyne(205hp) with a turbo,( without you only had about 170-160 hp) and a 2 stick 9 speed tran. I ran 21 states with that truck. it was looking great,silver and maroon,with a redone interior,a 28 inch,sleeper. it would hold about 55-60 mph,up i-95 with about 1700 watermellons on the trailer! Not bad for 205 hp. It would run about 75,if you turned it up good. I can tell you it was an easy cab over to get in also I ave. about 7mpg and ran lots of watermellons in that truck.Sure wish i still had that one.I have also owned 3 b-61's to. Only problems semed to want to blow head gaskets a lot,lol. I love old trucks and cars,espically old trucks,and macks best of all. I do miss the old trucking days.,mine was from 1969-2008. Look foward to this website.
  9. Well i would love to own that mack,and i can believe he spent that much money,its a beautiful truck,and one can see easily he built this one for personal taste to to mack a origional b-61! I have owned three b-61's and a h-67 mack cab over,1960. i ran 21 states with the h-67 and hauled a lot of watermellons,lol it had a 673 thermodyne engine,a 9 speed overdrive 2 stick tranny.did a good job for not having no more hp,and i ave. about 7 miles to a gal, of fuel. I think to drive that b-61 would be a dream.
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