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Everything posted by trucks

  1. Wow what a paint done. It can be called as Golden green combination. painting engine with gold color is something new. very well done.
  2. Nice truck I saw all the pics. All pics are nice and clear. Good work and keep it up.
  3. Nice truck its a beauty. thanks for uploading pic. Let me know whenever it is available for sale. I will buy immediately.
  4. Hey vinny , you are doing a great job. Your efforts are appreciated.
  5. Dave your story was very nice. Very rarely we get such stories to read and olive I would also like to know how could you always get there at meal time ?
  6. Sorry dude I don’t have much experience about this cant help you in this issue. But I am sure other board members will help you regarding this issue.
  7. I am also looking for the same software. I tried searching in google but no luck.
  8. Where's the snap. would like to see your truck. Upload snap please.
  9. Engine will cost you around $7000 to $11000 just check here: http://www.rockanddirt.com/search?l0=attachments&l1=MACK&l2=E7-400&l3=engines . Hope this will help you.
  10. You got a nice ride man. I wish I could ride that.
  11. If your pics are in your computer then upload your pic in imgur.com. There you will get the image url post your image url. Its done. Hope this will help you.
  12. Nice truck. are you willing to sell this ?
  13. Sorry bro tried in google but no luck.
  14. Mack truck rocks. Great snaps mate.
  15. Hey macktrucks4 you got a huge collection. Superb
  16. Hi tmoline welcome mate your truck is nice. Bigdodgetrucker I like yours too
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