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Harrisburg Mack

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    Harrisburg Pa

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    Im a 5th generation fireman that grew up riding Mack firetrucks. My Grandfather drove for Dupont for many years and Ive always loved big trucks and Macks. I currently have both a 57 and 59 B-model firetrucks. Someday i hope to get a Cabover Mack.
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  1. How do we register for Gerarts? Ive been looking around the page but I cant find a form or registration info??
  2. Does anyone have a good contact number for Brian Schwind? I'm trying to get ahold of him and all listed numbers on the Internet seem to be bad..?? Anyone on here live in the Glenbeulah Wi area also?? Thanks Jason
  3. Pictures..?
  4. What time does everything open up. Only day i can get out is Friday and Id like to make a day of it?? Also im looking for an oil filter for my B-85. any chance something like that will be for sale in the fleamarket area?? Jason
  5. Name: Harrisburg B-model Tiller Fire truck Date Added: Owner: Harrisburg Mack Harrisburg Mack
  6. I plan on attending the show as I have never been to one yet!! The last few years my scheduling just didnt work. I did make it out about 2 years ago on Sunday to see a few trucks leaving... In any case I hope to see everyone this year!! Here is a little video of my B-model tiller truck. I recently got a go pro camera and hope to be posting some "tillering" videos soon! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hp4ojSlzi8 Jason
  7. We had a great time and I was able to unload a ton of crap that I really didnt need or have space for. Like several people have said these types of events for me are more social gatherings than anything. Sure you can find stuff here and there but I really go just to see everyone. Exept the Lord of all FWD's even after i told him to stop by my booth!! In any case its nice to just see everyone and tell stories. Mike whats the going price on a nice Mack foam extinguisher like that?? I know a guy that has one and i dont really know what to offer..? Friend of mine did pick up an early 30's Seagrave extinguisher for $80! He thought after it was all cleaned up and hose repaired it would be worth around $400. Jason
  8. wow... Mkelley. awesome work! How long did you work on it and do you have any before photos??
  9. Good Luck with the C-model. Great trucks!! Ive been debating switching to the Petronics also... several friends have said nothing but good things about converting over. Keep us informed on how it goes!
  10. Im jealous....some day i will have a Cabover Mack pulling my B-model!! Love it!!
  11. Hewy, Whats the old girl look like these days???
  12. Ill be looking for ya Lord of the FWD's!!
  13. From what I hear Pa has done away with the photo requirement for antique registry.
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