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Harrisburg Mack

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Everything posted by Harrisburg Mack

  1. Ill be looking for ya Lord of the FWD's!!
  2. From what I hear Pa has done away with the photo requirement for antique registry.
  3. Thanks for all the help guys, if I understand The information correctly a class C license is good for anything under 26001 "unless" it's registered antique or vintage. Then there really isn't any regulation as far as weight ratings. When I registered my 57 B Tiller they only headache penndot have me was the damn pictures of all sides of the truck. This truck being 33'000 #'s they didn't care at all about my class C license. Probably the craziest thing is once your registered for $75 bucks or so your done never any inspections ever never nothing!! Lol.. This is gonna be awesome .... Can't imagine what fun would be in store driving such a setup across the Maryland line with a Class C!
  4. Thanks mike and joe, yeah looking to haul all my own stuff just wasn't sure on registration. Penndots description of antique registration is deceiving.... Says buses and trucks registered antique "CAN NOT" haul any loads.. Was hoping this was commerical or for hire work. My intentions are to simply use my own equipment not for hire. Also when I registered my first B I was expecting a war. It's a tillered fire truck ... Really painless for the most part... Now this truck is a 57 with vacuum brakes. I won't need a CDL for this 87 twin screw MH pulling a 50' trailer...?? As long as it is all private an registered to me.
  5. Hhhmmm, I was hoping I could haul my own. Not looking to do any "for hire" work just add a truck to the collection and use it to haul my B's to shows further away. Any Pa guys with info...
  6. Guys, I'm looking at a MH superliner to possibly restore and use to haul my B models. I'm looking for some insight for registry in Pa and insurance costs.?? It looks like any truck registered as a antique, or vintage can not be used to haul any thing..? Is this correct? Also wondering registration costs if registered as a regular truck and insurance. The vehicle would probably be a class 8 I believe. Would haul approximately 55-60 thousand total pounds. MH has a 12k front 40k rears and is a 1987. Any insight would be great. Was really hoping to restore the truck and utilize to take to shows and haul my other trucks but I'm just Leary of the end costs to actually make it happen. Thanks guys
  7. Hey guys I'm lookin for an average weight of a Mack motor. I have a few 707's and I'm lookin to do some work with 675 diesel and I'm just wondering how much do these motors weight. I'm looking at gantry cranes to utilize hoisting these motors in and out and need an idea how much I might be lifting. As always thanks for any help!
  8. Oh ok...understood.. Thanks for all the info guys.. I'm sure more direction will be needed but for now thank you!!
  9. If I can use everything out of the donor truck maybe the only thing I'll have to find is a new rear or possible rebuild one to pick up a little road speed...??
  10. Rob, I'm looking at a 1975 Mack (complete) truck to buy as the donor... Not sure what rear is in the donor but I would have all components of the 675 as it's a running drivable truck now.....?
  11. I have a 707c in my 59 B-model fire engine and I was looking to swap it for a Mack deisel...?? Im looking at a ENDTB-675 as the replacement..?? The 707 has been blown up for about 15 years is the reasoning for the swap.... Question is will a ENDTB-675 fit in my B-model. The deisel comes with a 5 speed, which is what the 707 has now.... ?? Insight, advice, opinions.......... Rob.... You out there, firemack....... Lol.. Thanks guys! Jason
  12. Hello all, My name is Jason Lloyd and i was originally on the site before as Allison H&L. I had to re-register with the new site and i went with Harrisburg Mack for my new name. Im a fireman by trade but bought my first Mack about 4 years ago. Since then i have learned a lot and stumbled throught repairs and upgrades on my first truck. Since then i have also been able to "acquire" another Mack. Now i have two B-models a 57 Tractor drawn fire truck and a 59 fire engine. My engine needs restored and im about to start that project here directly. I look forward to talking to everyone again!!! Jason
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