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Everything posted by RWC130

  1. Some information..... http://www.okanefdnyretired.com/newsletter.html
  2. I hope to make this show. It sounds really nice. I would love to show off the 1974 Mack CF!
  3. Mack Fire Apparatus from NEW YORK Yes, ALL are Mack CF's (I love them) FDNY Engine 10 FDNY Foam 206 (Still In Service) Goldens Bridge (Still In Service) Mount Kisco (Still In Service) Sold? Peekskill (Private Owner) Yonkers (Still In Service / Refurbished Spare) NOTE: This is rumored to be the last Mack CF on the assembly line before Mack shut down Fire Apparatus production.
  4. 1968 Mack CF in the movie "Frequency"
  5. THANKS Kansas farmer! On the set of the movie NON-STOP
  6. Thanks guys. They paid pretty well. The BIG reward was seeing it on screen. Mack Fire Apparatus still very much alive. She turns 40 in April.
  7. Just wanted to update you guys... My 1974 Mack CF is in the movie NON-STOP with Liam Neeson. In theaters now.
  8. Montrose FD Parade Westchester County, NY 6/8/2013
  9. They never requested I remove the lettering. The problem is the gold leaf was in very bad shape, flaking off in most areas and faded. I removed it with easy-off oven cleaner (yellow can) and I was amazed at how great it worked. I had to apply some muscle with a brush but the good news is no damage to the paint at all. I did this after getting some tips from a sign/lettering guy and autobody tech. You spray it on and let it sit for 10-15 min. Then rub it with a light scrub brush. You have to repeat this usually 2-3 times but it comes right off. Once you are finished WASH THE ENTIRE AREA WITH SOAP AND WATER! Trust me I was very nervous putting easy off oven cleaner on my fire truck but it really worked great.
  10. Some changes.... I added a Blue lens to the lightbar on the roof and removed all of the lettering except the "29-59" Gold leaf was in really bad shape. Hopefully I will re-letter it sometime. PROGRESS! May 15, 2013
  11. April 10, 2013
  12. This is on Sunday 3/24 went out to play with some water. Pump works great.
  13. Thanks guys! I'm going to try and make NJ!
  14. Photo Taken 03/09/2013 All cleaned up.
  15. I'm waiting for red spray paint to go on sale at home depot. lol Thanks guys!
  16. Thank you. Truck was refurbed in 1999 by JC Moore at which time they enclosed the cab, some electrical upgrades and repainted it. I just have to remove some of the black spray paint. 2012
  17. Hey Guys..... I'm a Volunteer Firefighter in Westchester County, NY Back in December I purchased a 1974 Mack CF685 Pumper. She runs great but..... I have some concerns on the last time ANY type of Preventive Maintenance was done. I want to get a full PM but I don't have a lot of money. I do have a friend who is a Diesel Mechanic and will do the work for me but I have to find all the stuff. "Get everything and call me" yeah right.... HELP! WHAT DO I GET? SUGGESTIONS? Mack, Baldwin, etc. I will assume I need to Change the Oil and Transmission Fluids. New Air Filter, Fuel Filter, Oil Filter? I'm guessing a Radiator Flush would not hurt. Coolant Filter? No idea what that is. lol My apparatus information: 1974 Mack CF600 - CF685F(10)1675 Maxidyne ENDT675 (Turbocharged In line six) 237 HP Allison Automatic Transmission HT740DH I have no idea what parts or fluids to get. Any PROS here that can help? Thank you! Rob
  18. This "JERSEY MACK" is now owned by ME! 1974 Mack CF600 - 1000/1000 (Refurbished in 1999) Ex-Cecil Fire Company Monroe Township, New Jersey
  19. Hey guys.... It's been a while.... Mack is coming a lot nice. A lot of TLC. The bell is not the actual bell that was on the truck. (good call) lol. That is a replacement. My FD that owned the truck took the bell.
  20. Photos taken on August 23, 2012 Did some painting making PROGRESS!!!!
  21. Hey Guys, thanks for all the positive feedback. Sorry for the delay. I've been enjoying some vacation time down the New Jersey shore. As far as the question about the body. Yes it was changed. You will see when the truck was lime yellow it had hard suction hoses on the drivers side and a ladder mounted on the passenger side with lower compartments. Not a lot of room for equipment. When it was sent out to be refurbished they custom made a new body (rear) with more compartments. They also painted the truck red/white. UPDATE: Got a nice Federal Signal AeroDynic Lightbar on the truck now. Looks good! The truck will be making a return to the Peekskill, NY area on Saturday September 15, 2012 for the Westchester County Convention Parade hosted by the Lake Mohegan Fire Department. I will take some more photos tomorrow.
  22. Hello, my name is Rob Casasanta. I'm a Volunteer Firefighter in Peekskill, NY I am a big fan of Mack Fire Apparatus (i.e. Mack CF600) My Mack story……. My Fire Department had a 1975 Mack CF600 which was lime yellow from 1975 until it was refurbished to red/white in 1984. It remained in service until 2000 at which time it was sold to the Lake Carey FD in Pennsylvania. They never put it into service and it sat rotting away in a junk yard. WHY? I will never know. Ironically a buddy of mine from another fire department purchased it. It’s going to take a lot of work but I am dedicating any time I have to helping him restore "Engine 130" which is so very special to me. We both want it to look as good as it did new and ready to put in parades. Any help on getting parts or equipment would be really appreciated. THANK YOU! PHOTOS!
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