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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Loadstar last won the day on September 22 2015

Loadstar had the most liked content!

About Loadstar

  • Birthday 03/10/1974


  • Location
    Assonet Massachusetts

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Community Answers

  1. Looking for the passenger side headliner piece for an 82 CF…. Any help is appreciated. This is a photo of the drivers side, Thanks
  2. Hi Albert, Yes I still have the L model…and just recently picked up a CF. The headliner is in great shape so I’m hoping to find that piece to keep it as original as possible.
  3. Looking for officer’s side headliner piece for a CF….. any help is appreciated. Thanks
  4. Came across this Auction….won’t let me paste the link but the information is in the last photo…..
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  5. Beautiful truck.....if that’s the same truck I saw in Mass. awhile back Pretty much everything on it has the “Mack” script emblem on it. I bought some L model parts from The owner.....very helpful and friendly.
  6. Carter p4070 is what I used.....
  7. This is your truck when it was sold at auction.....I think it went for around 1700
  8. I don’t have a link but just type in “Mack fire” in the search box on eBay and scroll through the ads and you’ll find them..... I think there’s 3 of your truck.....
  9. There’s a few pictures of your truck on eBay.....
  10. Happy birthday!!!!
  11. Looks great!!! Best of luck with her.
  12. So did anyone on here end up buying the trucks? I personally had no problems contacting the seller....he was polite and willing to look for items I need......but I was to late on the L model.
  13. Looks great!!!!Are you putting any sealer on it? On the Slabs we pour we usually use a "cure and seal"
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