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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Loadstar

  1. I don't have a horn but here's a picture of the cover...
  2. Looks great! Going by the pictures it looks like they build a nice truck.....is this the first one you guys have bought from them?
  3. Sounds perfectly legit to me...... Sorry for your loss....but the extra money should help ease your pain
  4. Happy birthday!!
  5. She's a Beauty Carl!!!
  6. The ad says it was refurburbished in "98"......so you pretty much were right on
  7. Paul , not sure what engines maxim put in those....I'm sure someone will chime in... I know of a tiller truck from that same time period that had a Detroit in it.
  8. I have a bunch of stuff off of my truck, didn't have time to put it back together. Been busy with work and building a garage.
  9. Edge water park Wakefield Ma. The Framingham maxim is a beautiful rig....fantastic shape
  10. And a few more......
  11. The Eastern Massachusetts chapter of Spaamfaa held their annual meet today....they had a good turnout. Some great looking trucks attended. Here's some of the pictures I took....
  12. Great pics!!! Hope your keeping track of his many fire trucks you've hauled.......must be some sort of record by now?
  13. Well.....that explains it. Did you end up with it?
  14. Came across this one on eBay......http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&alt=web&id=151709172152&globalID=EBAY-US
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  15. Looks great ........keep up the good work!!!
  16. I'm having the same problem as No clue.....can't go on B.M.T. From my iPhone......comes up with some kind of error
  17. Looks great....congratulations!!!!!
  18. No button on the top of my screen......I have to go to the "more" section....then choose it from there.
  19. Congratulations on the new truck.... Best of luck with it.
  20. This is the route I went..... I took one of the compartment doors off. The paint supplier scanned it, got it close and then gave me some pigment to add to get it just right. The color looks a lot different when sprayed. Also the color the truck is now looks different then when it was new. You can see the difference from the inside compared to the outside of a compartment door. Some great advice I got was to get it close and call it good.... Otherwise you will drive yourself insane. Good luck......Louie
  21. Nice looking truck...... Thanks for posting
  22. That's good news....one step closer. The previous owner of my truck gave me Fred's name as a source for parts.... Spoke to him a few times but haven't made it up there yet. Glad it worked out for you
  23. Tested the like button on the above posts.....took awhile but it worked
  24. Looks great Mike......nice addition to your fleet.
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