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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Loadstar

  1. Nice truck!!! Looks like you got your whole winter planned out.....where are you at with the fire truck?
  2. Thanks.....I sent him an email
  3. Looking for a complete 707b engine ( preferably from a fire truck) to have as a spare for the "L" model I have.....I replaced a cracked exhaust manifold last year and now the "New" one is also cracked....So if someone has either an exhaust manifold or a complete engine let me know....Thanks
  4. Best of luck.....your truck looks great!!!
  5. I think I saw that truck on craigslist in Maine.....hope that helps
  6. Beautiful truck Carl! I've been wondering how you were making out with the deal.......looks awesome....best of luck
  7. We went for a week, Stayed at Disney......did the whole package thing with meals...tickets....E.t.c. By the end of the week I could see what your talking about as far as planning. You figure out where stuff is and kinda what's going on. It's amazing all the different angles they've come up with to relieve you of every last dollar in your wallet. It's also amazing how the place is run.....very impressive. The kids had a great time and to me that's what it's all about......but they were very happy to be home....or maybe they were just happy to be out of the truck....took us 26 hrs down and 23 back
  8. Congratulations Randy!!! Best of luck to you and your wife....but especially your wife! I just got back from Disney myself....Makes me wonder....How'd you like Disney? It was insane with two kids....can't imagine three or four.
  9. Happy Birthday!!!! Have a good one.....
  10. Last fall he wanted 9k for the L model..... Not sure if that's changed
  11. Mike, was this the "L" Model ?
  12. That is a very cool truck....looks like a ton of work has been done....Thanks for posting. Nice how people complimented the truck in the section where you would "ask a question"..... I've never seen that on eBay before
  13. Mike, What other trucks did he have? Looks like a lot of good parts left..... There was a guy that had a bunch of fire trucks in MA.....had an L model. Not sure if it's the same place. Where was he located? Thanks...
  14. Nice video.....Thanks......I do have one question, if that's the way it was....what the heck happened ????
  15. Best of luck finding the truck.....sounds like your on the right track. I bought some of the old sock filters for the 707 from a guy in N.J. Who had a truck very similar to the one your looking for.....that's why I was curious about where it was from.....
  16. Maybe I missed something, but where was your truck originally from?
  17. Smfire History, You can also tell the difference between the truck your restoring and the older one in the "station" picture by the fenders......the newer one has wider fenders on both the front and rear.
  18. Sounds like you had a great time!!!! Enjoy......Maybe ice cream run next time?
  19. Beautiful truck!!!.... Welcome aboard and best of luck with the restoration.
  20. The leak down test.....or What's in Randy's mouth?????
  21. Nice looking truck!!! Welcome
  22. Do you have any other information? Where the truck was in service? When you last saw it....E.t.c. I imagine that's you in the picture....on a Sunday? Nice looking truck
  23. Was at 9k last fall.....but he said cash talks.....although it's never said anything to me?
  24. Nice Truck!!!! Good luck with it
  25. Looked at this International/Maxim truck a couple of years ago. Very nice truck...Interior was like new....came close to pulling the trigger.... Wish I did.....You'll see why......BEFORE... AFTER!!!!!http://nwct.craigslist.org/bfs/4020542383.html
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