Hi Paul, Here's a couple of things I've learned about the MA Laws......if registering it as an antique you can either get regular mass antique plates from the registry.....or use a "year of manufacture" plate which is an old plate you supply which has to be the year your truck was made or if no plate was issued that year it has to be the next oldest plate made......you only need one if that's all you have. As far as a CDL being needed who knows.....I called around a few years back and got a different answer every time.....I do know that if your looking to get a CDL just for going over the 26,000 gvw, it's just a written test. But if your truck has air brakes then you need to take a road test. I thought about getting mine a while back, then my department had us go through a "CDL" class....the road test was pretty easy....the hardest part was visualizing what the cones were.....theres about a million cones in a parking lot and some are a loading dock.....some for backing up....some are zig zagging through....E.TC. Then the instructor gave a lecture......basically saying There were drawbacks to getting a C.D.L if you didn't need one.....according to him, he has seen first hand....MA lawyers hold people to a higher standard....even in their personal vehicle .....just because of the CDL.....there were other things to, like a lower legal limit. But who knows for sure in this freaking state.......I do know a farmer in R.I. , I think when he turned 70 they wanted him to take a road test every year......which is B.S......he's been driving a truck since he was 11.....Anyway, good luck with your truck and getting your license.....I'm sure you'll be fine