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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Loadstar

  1. Carl, I actually contacted the current Chief awhile back....he was very excited....said he would dig around a little and see what he could find. He also mentioned that the truck was still in service well into the eighties....and that he remembers driving and pumping with the truck. He knew all about the truck and I'm sure he'll be a great source of information.....I would like to bring it back up there someday......would be pretty cool for it to be "home".....Thanks
  2. No not yet....but I'll check that stuff out...Thanks
  3. Mike, Wow....went back to the video to check them out....all nice looking trucks....you've certainly got your hands full.......I image you and your family probably had the most trucks there.....by the way, curious what the horseshoe is made out of?
  4. You guys are right on as far as some items being shipped loose, The build sheets actually state that all running board items be shipped not mounted.....as far as the chrome strips on the front bumper....who knows.... i would guess that mack put them on sometime after the picture was taken.....Al, I did see some pictures from the Mack Show......some good Looking trucks......would be cool to check it out next year if they have it. Also watched the video of the "Parade".....Saw Fyfxmn and Fwd's Trucks.....Both looked really nice!!! Though i would have seen some yellow ones......Mike???
  5. Got the information packet from the Mack Museum today.....Very impressed!!! They sent all kinds of stuff....from manuals for each componet on the truck....Sales brochures....Pictures from the factory of not only my truck but of similar ones as well.....Blue prints....pump information...Amazing that a company would still have that information on file and not blow you off when you ask for it....If anyone reads this from the museum....Thanks....I'll be sending a donation next week.....Also a question for you fire truck guys...i noticed in the factory pictures a few things missing on the truck that i assume would have been factory....like chrome strips on front bumper....the post mounted red light....some gold leaf is missing here and there....rear scene lights.....are these things each department added once they got the truck or were the pictures taken before the truck was completely finished?
  6. Well finally got the manifolds all set to go back on......repaired and re-machined....ended up getting a used set that wasnt cracked.....but when i split the intake and exhaust manifolds apart there was hole in the intake similar to the original set.....must be a common problem....anyway fixed the original intake and plan on using the new/used exhaust.....
  7. I agree....looks great!!!
  8. Happy birthday! Hope you have a great day......
  9. Looks like your pup would make a nice "German Shepard pie".......if times get tough......Good looking dog!
  10. Still the best place to live......hope it stays that way!!!!!
  11. All set....found one...Thanks
  12. There's also a "L" model mack on the Spaamfaa website......its located in Mass.......
  13. Charlie, looking for a gauge from the pump panel, goes up to 250......Thanks, Louie
  14. Yarnall, what do you think caused the gas in oil pan? Just curious......my fuel pump is wired to the ignition key. Thanks Aspeltz, Good luck, probably something simple......And not terribly aggravating
  15. Steve, The part number on the intake manifold is "105GC230"........Thanks for trying
  16. Thanks guys......Looks like a road trip is in the near future.
  17. Thanks mike, I have called a bunch of people.... He was one of them.....said when he got around to it he would look? Hopefully it's soon.... The truck is in a friends shop.... Pretty much taking up the whole garage.Thanks again
  18. Cool pics......Tons of history there!
  19. Hi, Still looking for both intake and exhaust manifolds for a 707b.......down draft carb. Having some issues with the machine shop.....should have used the guy Fxfymn knows......any leads would be great......Thanks
  20. Happy birthday Carl... Have a great day.... Who's older, you or your truck?
  21. What about a 10.00-20 fitting on a 9.00-20 rim?
  22. Well, pulled the manifolds today......exhaust one has a couple hair line cracks.....and where the intake and exhaust bolt together someone over tightened the bolts and cracked the bolt flanges......going to take it to a machine shop on Thursday if I do not get any responses to my post in the parts section.....Let the games begin!!!! It would have to be welded and re-surfaced where they meet. Couldn't see the crack until it came off......Thanks....Louie
  23. Hi, Looking for an exhaust manifold for a 707b......part number I believe is 104Gc4111B.....on top of those numbers it reads "S"....31210.......Thanks
  24. Hi Paul, Here's a couple of things I've learned about the MA Laws......if registering it as an antique you can either get regular mass antique plates from the registry.....or use a "year of manufacture" plate which is an old plate you supply which has to be the year your truck was made or if no plate was issued that year it has to be the next oldest plate made......you only need one if that's all you have. As far as a CDL being needed who knows.....I called around a few years back and got a different answer every time.....I do know that if your looking to get a CDL just for going over the 26,000 gvw, it's just a written test. But if your truck has air brakes then you need to take a road test. I thought about getting mine a while back, then my department had us go through a "CDL" class....the road test was pretty easy....the hardest part was visualizing what the cones were.....theres about a million cones in a parking lot and some are a loading dock.....some for backing up....some are zig zagging through....E.TC. Then the instructor gave a lecture......basically saying There were drawbacks to getting a C.D.L if you didn't need one.....according to him, he has seen first hand....MA lawyers hold people to a higher standard....even in their personal vehicle .....just because of the CDL.....there were other things to, like a lower legal limit. But who knows for sure in this freaking state.......I do know a farmer in R.I. , I think when he turned 70 they wanted him to take a road test every year......which is B.S......he's been driving a truck since he was 11.....Anyway, good luck with your truck and getting your license.....I'm sure you'll be fine
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