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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Loadstar

  1. There's one on eBay..... Asking 2500 or best offer. It's in Virginia..... been on there for awhile.
  2. Unfortunately this is nothing new in Massachusetts. Many years ago I had to write a letter in order to I obtain my L.T.C.....police chief said it was a privilege not a right.....which I strongly disagreed with him on. We went back and forth....but ultimately he had no reason not to issue the license.....so he did....It sucks we have to jump through so many hoops but it's nothing compared to sacrifices made by the people who gave us our rights....something the people issuing carrying permits must have forgot all about.
  3. I agree..... It's great to see a company make a stand on something not "politically correct".
  4. That's a great picture!!!
  5. "Mama said alligators are ornery cause they have all them teeth and no toothbrush"..... Waterboy
  6. She's a beauty!!! Thanks for posting.....
  7. I'm in..... What are you asking for it???
  8. Sent you a personal message...... I would be interested if it's in decent shape
  9. That's a beauty.....i imagine it won't last long.....
  10. If I remember correctly ......Randy (1958Fwd) mentioned awhile back of a small shop in southeastern Ma that was suppose to be very good with older trucks ? If not the Rhode Island antique fire truck guys are probably your best bet.
  11. Best of luck.....hope things settle down quickly for you
  12. Nice pictures..... Thanks for posting
  13. Merry Christmas guys!!!!
  14. With the way people drive today this may be a better choice!!!
  15. What the heck happened?........never mind .......I had loss interest in that topic after page one.....and I never went back
  16. Very sad.......we all make mistakes.....young and old alike
  17. I thought they were at your place?????
  18. Paul thanks for posting..... Those are some nice vintage photos..... The first one from the plumbing company is a great looking truck!!
  19. Your fender lights were made by Guide .....part number 919137.
  20. Looks good!!!...sounds like your moving along nicely
  21. Nice pictures....thanks for posting. How's your AB coming along?
  22. Ordered four of them....Thanks Barry
  23. I wonder if this 8 year old ever thought .... In his wildest dreams....that one day he would actually own the truck he was so proudly sitting in? Goes to show you what an amazing world we live in.....
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