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Everything posted by mackbulldog64

  1. Its been a long time since an update on this post. Well as of 8/15/09 the Blue Titan is still sitting on the lot at Binghamton N.Y. Mack and not working. Also as of 8/07/09 the White and Maron Titan still sit on tthe Scranton Pa Mack lot and not working. Maybe if they would lower the price on them they might be able to sell them. I still have not seem a Titan out on the road doing work or even sold! There just sitting on all the mack lots looking pretty and not getting dirty. Terry
  2. All I have to say is look what Mack did to Brockway. And brockway is long gone. Karma with Mack trucks now by Volvo. I hated to say this becuase I like Mack but its reality and life goes on. Terry
  3. They took all of the older Autocars off the road and maybe running a couple as spares.They all sit on the back row. There still running all there Diamond Reos and they have 14 of them all the same. I use to not like there green also but now that I see it everyday its starting to look nice. It grows on u I guess. Also they have just one KW W9L dump. Most all of there Mack dumps they get out on Canada as u see there tag is set up right behind the cab which u see nothing like that set up in New York State. Also as u pass there building on route 17 u can see them all line up in a row and looks very impressive. One thing I know he is making alot of money the way he buy used trucks rather then buying new. Also he buys them in fleets not just one truck at a time. Before the Autocars he ran Brockways and before that whites and kenworths. His whites and kenworths use to be single axle day cab with a dump trailer behind them. That was back in the old days. All together he is running around 70 trucks now. I talk to the guy that works in is office almost everyweek and get updates on the trucks and every year he trying to update his trucks to newer trucks. So if anyone knows of a fleet of newer Mack Dumps for sale let me know. Terry E Davis of Johnsson City N.Y.
  4. Here in Binghamton NY area we have one comp that had 20 Mack CL700 Tri axle dumps , 3 Granites tri axle dumps ,6 CH600 day cab tractors,2 CL700 day cab tractors and one CL700 Day cab tri axle tractor and they haul Earth products. They also have other brand names trucks which I wont say and there all green. There company name is Lopke Rock Products. Then other construction out fits in my area has the DM600's And RD600's . Also the asphalt company in our area been upgrading to slightly used granites and tradind in there RD600's. There 100% mack fleet. There tractors are all CH600's also. But no new Mack Titans. Terry E Davis Of Johnson City N.Y.
  5. Very nice looking truck but not for me. Its a little over done for me on all that chrome and I would hate to be the guy that has to take care of that Granite. But in Puert Rico that is the way they like too see there trucks. Shows they have a alot of pride in there Mack Trucks which is a very good thing to see. They should put the new mack drop visor on it! Terry E Davis Of Johnson City N.Y.
  6. Dave, "granitefan713", The maroon and the white one is priced at 144,800 with no 5th wheel The Blue one is priced at 143,300 with no 5th wheel. Also it has the 515 hp engine and not the 605hp. From what I am hearing from Mack salemens, Mack so far made 50 Titans and sold very few maybe 3 to 5 Titans in the states so far if that. Not Good. Also when the dealer 1st ordered they had one set price regardless of engine size. The only option that what change the price was the front and rear axles. This is per mack salemen if what they said is true or he was blowing smoke and telling storys. Also as of 6/18/09 the White Titan still sit's on the Mack dealers lot in Binghamton sitting pretty and still not working! lol. How about The two in Scranton???? Just thought I will pass this info on to your poeple on this site. Anybody hearing any Updates or anything on the Mack Titans ??????????? I am just hoping that Mack will do good with the Mack Titan becuase its an aswome looking truck and will do anyjob u have for it. Its just the price is way to high and that is why they still sit on the Mack dealers lots looking pretty and not out on the road working. Also in my mind I think the Mack Titan would compare to the Kenworth T800W wide hood so we can compare prices and see if Mack is inline with there price on the Mack Titan or not. What do u guys think would compare to the Titan? Well enough of me ramblin on here for now and I hope I am not boring u guys on here I just like to see any updates on the Titan . Terry E Davis Of Johnson City N.Y.
  7. Thanks guy:) Yes your one lucky guy to drive the first Titan out on the road and put it to work. Hope there is many more to come. Yes Mack needs more owners like your boss man becuase any regular guy or companys cant afford it. I Hate to ask what he paid for that Titan the way we see it in the pict and road and work ready. I have an idea . Terry
  8. Both brands? U mean one brand and that is Volvo right? They just put the mack name on it to fool poeple that its still a mack.
  9. As of 6/13/09 The white Titan still sit on the lot looking pretty and not working. Anyone going to the Mccungie Truck show next weekend? I am and Hoping to see how he Mack Titan is built. I wounder how many Titans they make weekly there?
  10. Do us a favor and get pictures of it out on the road working with a load on it instead of sitting on the lot looking pretty. I have yet saw any Titans sold and out on the road and hoping this will not be an on going thing with these Titans. Is this the first Titan sold? I really do they sell more LOTS MORE! Must be nice to afford that also. Your company must of made alot of money to afford a Titan. I hope it makes your company lots of money to afford it:) Terry
  11. Same here we have three of the Titans in Binghamtom and Scranton! There still sitting on our lots looking pretty and not working. I guess they still dont get the message about the price on them. There a nice truck but the price is too high. I still have not seen any Titans out on the road yet working. The longer they sit on the lot the more it cost them to sit there.
  12. Well guys as of June 2nd Mack of Binghamton N.Y. still has not sold the White Titan. How about Mack of Scranton? They still have the blue and the burguny color Titans? Has anybody know of any Titans that have been sold ???????????? Here is a updated price list of titans that I know is still for sale. 2010 TITAN/605HP/18SPD/20F/44R/245WB/NO 5TH WHEEL $128,500 2010 TITAN/605HP/18SPD/14F/44R/218WB/NO 5TH WHEEL $139,600 2010 TITAN/565HP/18SPD/14F/46R/214WB/WITH 5TH WHEEL $144,000 2010 TITAN/605HP,18SPD/20F/46R/265WB/NO 5TH WHEEL $142,704 2010 TITAN/605HP/18SPD/20F/46R/255WB/NO 5TH WHEEL $146,950 Terry
  13. Well I stand corrected! Sorry I mis spoke:) Maybe I should not post something that I have no idea about. Sorry guys. I just assumed. So if u say the Unions are the cuase for Brockway going out u must be right and I was wroong to what I said. Then I can say this is why Unoins dont work and there should be no Unoins. The Unions like to destroy bussiness's and that is not good. My father is dealing with a Union as we speak now for the last 6 months and if the voters vote to dissolve the bussiness then those Unoin poeple are all out of work. All becuase of a 41 percent raise which they never should of recieved. They should get a raise but not 41%. So we will see in 3 moths from now if those 45 Union Poeple that recieved a 41% raised that the unoin asked for are out of a Job by the voters. And I am one vote here myself. And so I will vote yes not to disolve the business beuase I want poeple to have Jobs but the union has to renogianate the deal which i am hoping they will. If not them we will lay off. My father allready layed off 7 Poeple and now the Union is taking it to court. So again this is why Unions are not good. Terry
  14. Well I dont blame Mack niether for being bought out by Volvo if u know that Mack would of been gone if Volvo did not buy Mack.. Mack trucks are very very lucky to be around still then. But as I look back what Mack did to Brockway and put brockway out of bussiness and poeple with out jobs in Cortland NY area and think that was bad for Mack to do that to Brockway and I think Mack got there Karma and maybe in time to come down the road Mack wont will be then thing in the past. Becuase I really liked Brockway and I still do and I wished Brockway was still in business but Mack put them out of business. They have to keep all the mack guys happy:) But I am wrong in saying that There is no Engine biult by mack? I thought Volvo Builds all the engines for Mack name plate trucks. Please correct me if I am wrong. Maybe Barry can chime in on this and correct me. Dont get me wrong I like Mack and I hope Volvo dont put them out of business like Mack did too Brokway. We had very good luck with our Macks but sold out and I still see Our x 1988 Superliner Dump Truck and 1982 R600 Tractor still on the road every week. Since my brother in Long Island Bought out a business, he runs four Kenworths W900L long hood and two CL700's . He wants to buy another two Macks to replace the two CL700's with the New Titans but the price on them compared to a Kenworth is way out of line so he is possibly going with two new Kenworth W900L's. He is hoping that Mack will drop the price on the Titan in time to come. But I had to chime back in and remind u guys what Mack did to Brockway and some other thing that needed to be siad. Have a nice day,' Terry E Davis of Johnson City N.Y.// Holbrook L.I. N.Y.
  15. Everynight they put the Titan and the Rawhide Sleeper in the garage at night so they dont get vandlized.Yet they have a fenced in yard also were they can keep them behind the fence at night but they choose not too. I guess there affriad if they keep the titan out doors at night something might happen to it. Which I dont blame them beuase of the area the the mack dealership is at in the Binghamton area. Do they do the same with the Titans at the Scranton location? ALso u going to Mccungie for the truck show? I will be going on Saturday. I have some friends taking trucks down and also selling diecast toys. They had poeple looking at the rawhide sleeper last weekend but I see it still here. Terry
  16. Underdog, Didnt u mean Volvo needs to make a good engine ? They just put a mack name plate on them right? "Mack needs a good engine to rebuild customer confidence." Terry
  17. Very nicely said Lmackattack and I agree. Also I heard The prototype show truck had a diffrent hood then the now Titans there trying to sell now. I will be going to Mccungie for the truck show and hope to tour the factory and snoop around. So far I still have not Seen a Titan out on the road. The white Titan is still sitting on the mack lot in Binghamton N.Y. Is the Blue and the Maroon Titan still on the mack lot in Scranton still? Also prices on these Titans very alot. Here is a few that I know of there prices. 2010 TITAN/605HP/18SPD/20F/44R/245WB/NO 5TH WHEEL $128,500 2010 TITAN/605HP/18SPD/14F/44R/218WB/NO 5TH WHEEL $139,600 2010 TITAN/565HP/18SPD/14F/46R/214WB/WITH 5TH WHEEL $144,000 2010 TITAN/605HP,18SPD/20F/46R/265WB/NO 5TH WHEEL $142,704 2010 TITAN/605HP/18SPD/20F/46R/255WB/NO 5TH WHEEL $146,950 Terry
  18. Looks like the same truck. Just the dealership added the visor. But I dont know its just a guess. But if u want to know for sure call the dealership:) Terry
  19. They probally cancelled the order becuase they found out the price of it. So far I heard of know one in this north east buying a Titan yet and so far Triple Cities Mack has three Titans. Who here heard of anyone buying a Titan yet?????????????????? Terry
  20. The White Titan is up in binghamton loc now. Also that blue one that has Coventry on it is a milk hauler in Convetry NY. They have a mix of trucks and very surprised they bought a Titan. Coventry is about 30 miles north of binghamton off rt12 area just outside of Greene N.Y. Also I noticed on the wihite one it had glad handles on it but no 5th wheel. Why are these coming with out 5th wheels on them?
  21. Convoyduel, Thanks for the input on the titan.I keep scanning the truckpaper web site and more and more Titans are hitting the dealerships but no prices except one for $139,600 We need more posts on this subject to get more knowlege on the Titans. Please and Thanks Terry E Davis of Johnson City N.Y.
  22. Mack Tech, That was a very good point u made. To look back on the intro on the Titan was the worse time to do it with this economy the way it is. So with the qiute a few orders dropped can be a big concern with the company as a hole. In my mind this Titan was suppose to be the life saver of mack but now as I look back it my be the death of mack if sale dont pick up on the Titan. I am trying to keep a close eye thru a truck trade paper on who has them and if they do sell them or just get stuck with them for a long time. Also if they do drop the price on them becuase there not selling. This is becoming very interesting now. All in all I really hope the Titan does very well and becomes the life saver of mack. But they have to do something about lowering the price of the Titan. I thank your for all the updates and keep them coming please. Terry.
  23. Mach Tech, Thanks for the responce. Sounds great. Also I am woundering how many poeple back down on buying the Titan becuase of the price? I think that is why there were hush hush on the price and they waited till the very last second the drop the big bomb shell about the price to the public. Terry
  24. Just deleted my double post and hope this works and if it dont I am very sorry and if u can barry please delete one of the posts and thank you. Terry
  25. Just as I thought about the sleeper on the Titan. The sleeper sit's way up on the frame. Does not look good to me. They should put the sleeper right down to the frame and have it look like a mack mid roof sleeper but really its as tall as a mack hi rise sleeper. The sleeper on that Titan looks like an Rest Rite Sleeper. Alnye Trucking is milk hauler in my area and they had some 2006 CL700's with Rest Rite Sleepers and they looked awful. Before that they had some 2004 CL700's with a Mack 42" sleeper that looked awsome. Now they have 2009 CXU613 day cabs and 42" mack sleepers. They could'nt afford the Mack Titan!lol Just kidding becuase they lease all there tractors from Beam Mack at the Elmira Branch Office. They lease 50 to 60 tractors for 2 to 3 yrs or 300k miles then turn them all in and go for another batch of trucks from Mack. They alway had CL700 macks but this time they went with the CXU613's. Mack Ste Foy still in business? I have not heard from them in a long while. Also when Alyne ran superliners they bought some from mack ste foy. Mack Tech , I am still waiting on your answers to my post. Anybody here anymore prices on these Titans from your local dealers and who is buying them ????????? Terry
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