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eric the dutch

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About eric the dutch

  • Birthday 11/26/1970


  • Location
    coldstream,bc canada

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    looking for a mack R-model T/A with or without sleeper....in good or decent condition!
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  1. thnx for your response...like I said i just bought the truck and I don't know when was the last time.....I will drain it for the next couple days and lets see what happen
  2. I drained the air tanks and out of one air tank came first water and after that oil and I'm talking about a pole of oil. Out of the wet tank was water first and it turn in to air....what can be the problem..air dryer? compressor piston rings? or something else....I just bought the truck and I don't know how long it was sitting still...its a 2005 rb 688
  3. please send me more pics.of the engine ,interior aswell ericverlaek@hotmail.com
  4. hi there, I like to know if you still have your superliners I'm interested to purchase one of your superliners please let me know...my e-mail ericverlaek@hotmail.com or call 778-475-3934 thnx eric
  5. I know the owner of the LT ..he is a good guy and has a passion for old trucks
  6. hi everyone, just a question: does anybody knows if those superliner loggers are still for sale?? it was posted by coastlogger on jan 31 2016. I tried everything to contact him but he never get back to me. I found out his company is spirit lake contracting at parksville,BC on Vancouver island. even if I google there is no phone number what shows up! Eric
  7. do still have superliner for sale? if so let me know. my e-mail is ericverlaek@hotmail.com

    send me pics and all info if you still have a mack for sale



    1. eric the dutch

      eric the dutch

      or call 778-475-3934

      my e-mail... ericverlaek@hotmail.com

  8. what are you asking for the black superliner? and can you give all the specs of this truck as well. thnx Eric
  9. thank you guys..I will check it out!
  10. I'm looking for a R-model Mack T/A Fair condition with a MVI! pto wet line would be nice! I live in BC,Canada Thnx for watching this add Eric
  11. omg...this dog is totally awesome.....if you ever think to sell it please let me know,cuz this exactly what I'm looking for....thnx for sharing anyways!
  12. Thanks for the information..I will check it out.
  13. I'm looking for an old r-model mack 1979 to 1989 in pretty good shape...with sleeper and mvi ready to put on the road!
  14. Name: mack....pepe la pew vision (2001) Date Added: 22 August 2012 - 08:03 PM Owner: eric the dutch Short Description: I had alot of fun with this animal!I want to buy an old Mack R-model with or without sleeper..in good condition and mvi ready..so far I can't find any...I live in BC,CANADA View Vehicle
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