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  1. HeavyGunner.... Front springs or rear springs? The front has a nice protective layer of oils over the years so will need to do some digging. There is nothing on the door at all.
  2. Hi gang, Have been lurking for some time......and finally found the truck of my dreams. Well we will see I guess about dreams. Here in ONT things are pretty rusted but found this at a reasonable price. Runs fine and shifts fine. Could use paint. Floor needs work but the corners and pillar are rock solid. Has a token bullet hole in the windshield which of course is a 'big thing' in Canada Anyways it has a camel back suspension and quad box. Non turbo. Where do I find the serial number on it? I will post a photo of the dash with a couple questions as well on what does what,
  3. I brought it home yesterday. There are a couple pics in my gallery. Used my high lift jack and a few chains, cedar logs for it to roll on, to pull it onto my trailer bed. Man that thing is heavy. Back was sore by the time I got home thats forsure. My little B414 tractor would not pull it off of my trailer. Today, checked the fluids. Topped up the oil. There were a few mice in the air filter to intercooler. Cleaned that out. It cranked right over and I cranked for maybe 3 seconds. Then gave it a micro micro shot of ether and..... The turbine fan for the intercooler needs replacing but that is it! Lots of oil pressure. Rad is fine. Now I need a service manual and if anyone has one would you know the gear ratios and shift patter for these?
  4. Any chance someone could briefly explain how to check the rack? I got the engine out of the building it was in today and tomorrow AM I will go with my trailer to bring it home.
  5. Hi gang, I have longed for a B61 or similar for weekend tinkering fun and am still looking. Came across a local ad for a circular sawmill so I went to see it. The old fella passed away and his daughters were handling getting rid of his collection of mantoys. Spent a good couple hours there talking and learning about what a character he was and his old mill was his pride and joy. It was in very good shape so I bought it. Still need to get it home. It is powered by an ETAZ673A engine. Looks like he cut the frame rails right behind the transmission and welded steel legs onto the frame. Story was he ran that mill like that for many years. All is covered from the elements and plan to start bringing it home soon. I have worked on my tractor diesel, my dodge Cummins engine but never a Mack engine. I am sure I can get it started. He had a section of dash panel attached to the side of the engine frame with all the guages etc but any tidbits on firing it up? He took good care of his machinery so I dont forsee any issues. Also is there any service manuals available to ensure valves etc are set to spec once I get it going again or other things I need to be concerned about? Krusty, ps I will post a pic when I get a chance.
  6. Hey gang, Love the forum and learning but still looking for my true love (aka my own Mack!) Going to see one in a couple weeks....B model diesel. Have not seen pics yet but supposedly not rotted out in the cab. The thing that is appealing is that there is super low mileage, original driveline, starts immediately and is the original owner. Guy told me all about how his family bought it 50+ years ago. Problem is I was set on a single axle and it is a tandem. I would hate to modify something with a good original truck. But how much work would it be to drop it onto a single axle frame? Not the hours etc in work, but the engine/body mount concerns. Krusty,
  7. Folks....what are they key differences between a b42 and b61? The link @ oldmacks does not work for me, the page does not display correctly. There are a few b42 that are appealing as well.
  8. I have done some searching but no luck...is there a guide to the various options of axles, engines and trannys in these beasts? A better informed Krusty is a happy Krusty!
  9. Thanks guys! $3k to $5k would not be bad at all for a nice runner which needed little to make it more reliable. Agree with you on the cab, preference is for a nice clean cab as any form of body work is depressing
  10. Hi gang, I have it in my mind I 'need' a B61 to tinker on. Am new to Mack trucks and would appreciate any guidance on the various models and things to look for in a truck. http://chambersburg.craigslist.org/bfs/3156277153.html is an example but is a bit far to go see for me. How plentyful are parts for the engine if needed? I am torn buying something in the $10k+ range VS something lower cost that I can work on. I think my idea truck would be single axle, dump and straight out of the back of someones lot with a nice body, and frame, not rotted, faded paint etc.
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