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One bad dog

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    Pierre Part,la

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    Like drag racing and hunting and fishing

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  1. What would cause injector lines to leak coming out the heads
  2. Can anyone tell me the tricks to remove door panel so I could repair window crank on 89 r model thanks
  3. Thanks guys
  4. Can anyone tell me the shift pattern on t2090 thanks
  5. I had put a used crank and balancer
  6. Right behind second main cap on throw same place as last time.i ran the truck years hauling dirt no problems started haul sugarcane and broke two cranks in the same place. Thanks
  7. Right behind second main cap on throw same place as last time.i ran the truck years hauling dirt no problems started haul sugarcane and broke two cranks in the same place. Thanks
  8. That's what I was thinking too thanks
  9. Yep 300 maxidyne
  10. What will cause a crankshaft to break that's two cranks broke in same place thanks
  11. Will a flywheel from an e7 work on a e6 motor. Would anyone know if they balanced the same. Thanks
  12. Thanks cuz I noticed around 1900 it feels like it just ain't pulling anymore looks like it gets up better if I shift it around 1800rpms thanks
  13. Does anybody know the torque band on a em6 300
  14. Thanks
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