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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by staxx

  1. Look at the bottom of liners make sure there's no scoring from injectors over fueling .
  2. Any chance this got suger in the fuel , had this happen before screwed up the unit pumps all 6 causing 100 hp loss.
  3. Gives whole new meaning to rice burner .
  4. Need to drive the truck or dyno the truck with a tech watching the parameters with a laptop. Need to make sure its at in the computer 100% load full throttle ,see if anything is derating engine power. How did you check for boost leaks? Need to use a air puck on inlet of charge air cooler and check entire engine air compressor intake line and hoses intake manifold gaskets etc. The 355/380 need all the air they can get even a small intake manifold gasket leak can big performance issues .
  5. Need to figure out how the exhaust side turbo fins got cooked, any exhaust leaks or boost leaks. Do you have a pyro gauge and if so what the temp at full load? What was wrong with the injectors you replaced did the tip split or just bad spray patterns. Have we put a fuel psi gauge on it yet to see what psi we have in 5th gear? Have seen a few mufflers fall apart inside blocking flow causing high temps and low power.
  6. Also have seen the oil pickup tube screen come off and get sucked up into pump causeing low oil psi and high oil temps.
  7. Pm 84superdog he can find all things chrome for superliners.
  8. Got to hate it when the more expensive parts fail.
  9. That checkvalve should relieve at 70-80psi
  10. Need to make sure the oil is not getting broke down by fuel mixing in , make sure its not overfull maybe do a oil sample.
  11. Check out the return line check valve this is were the pressure is made. Its a fitting below the # unit pump in the side of the block . Unhook the line , leave check valve in block pump the hand primer if fuel returns = comes out valve without building psi it is no good.
  12. Fuel supply pump ,gear is slipping on shaft need to remove and inspect . Easy to replace only 2 bolts , if pump checks ok look at fuel return check valve or restiction on fuel inlet side . My bet is on the supply pump though.
  13. soliniod is located drivers side frame in front of fifth wheel.
  14. The grade gripper soliniod is hanging not releasing air psi
  15. Had a couple pisc this week the new chn is a white truck wraped in black 2 local R,s and my awesome wife making a 84 superdogs E9 look better.
  16. sounds like supply pump or overflow valve.
  17. Blocked fuel inlet ports at ECM cooling plate.
  18. Just needed to remove cover were the power steering would mount on front cover.
  19. If you do a search there is a pretty good discussion on this somewhere on bmt. I did do this swap once before but it was a long time ago , it can be done.
  20. Why do you need a new econovance , they are rebuild able . There only 2 seals and a spring that need to be replaced and I have only seen one or two that really needed a rebuild.
  21. Shaft has to be replaced , there is a big nut that holds the shaft in a gear behind the power steering pump on front cover . Remove nut and pull shaft out .
  22. I get grease on every shirt I wear so mine would have to be black but I like it, looks good.
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