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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by staxx

  1. Oil pressure sensor is on the oil filter pedestal , Some have oil temp and pressure sensor they are rite next to each other behind your second oil filter. temp sensor takes 3/4 wrench oil 1in wrench . I would hook a external oil pressure sensor and line up and check first. Make sure the oil is not dulluted with fuel, the supply fuel pumps are bad about blowing front seal and filling oil up with fuel. Good luck. There is a good Mack shop over in Rock hill area exit 73 I think ,have a good friend/tech that works there.
  2. I know it's not a tn mack but it was in Tn when I took the pic , I think it still counts.
  3. Bubba from S.Carolina stopped by today . Nice truck
  4. There are a lot of other items that will cause hard to start . The overflow valve or return line check valve could be sticking or have debris in it , and there are 2 90 degree fitting at the ecu cooling plate that get clogged with debris , at this point in fuel system fuel is unfiltered. remove and check clean . At your davco filter housing is a check valve on the inlet side ,you can remove inspect. Biggest problem is your dealership have a certified tech working on your truck , I see mistakes in repairs all the time . Most of the time if under warrenty when I find at least 2 failed injectors we replace all 6 .
  5. Put a little shine on the old dodge today .
  6. Pulled 2 sets of cups this week the new tool is awesome.
  7. I would just put new rings on pistons with new liners and reuse everything . I have seen very high milage mp7 8 with almost no internal engine wear , the bottom end of these engines are very strong.
  8. Better to go back with a good used e-tec engine , the e-6 is way different front engine mount would have to b fabricated not to mention the electrical system would be a headache .
  9. My DVD is all mack has v-III and mp on it .
  10. The CD has everything on it Mine is a training DVD . The # is TR5-013 .
  11. Are you looking for all manuals or just engine , trans , electrical ?
  12. Check the taillites have seen this a lot a 1156 bulb in a 1157 hole will cross over brakes and turn signals which will cause cruise to disengage also check bulb socket holder make sure the wires are not burned and crossing each other.
  13. Old school electrical shut down system.
  14. Go to Mack Trucks .com then go to service on line publications none current then midliner hand books are online.
  15. I have had some that after replacing the turbo actuator on the turbo make a skill saw sound, and it is because the actuator was bottoming out the turbo vanes in the housing and just needed to readjust end stops. Don't see a manifold gasket or turbo mount gasket being a issue , that would be a massive leak, soot everywhere. If the turbo center bearing was going down the turbo intake or exhaust impeller would be destroyed so that's out. My money would be on the actuator out of adjustment being you just had it replaced. Good luck.
  16. When the turbo whins does it sound like a skill saw ?
  17. Nice AC welcome to BMT.
  18. It was a ok truck , they all smoked a lot biggest problem is that no one knows how to work on those trucks and parts could be expensive and hard to get.
  19. Nice B , welcome to BMT
  20. The RW has a cummins , the cow truck was refurbished a few years back .
  21. No thanks , I use to live in South Carolina and know all about the slick clay/mud .
  22. I like Nice
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