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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by staxx

  1. Happy birthday Rick its your birthday and you get a write up in bulldog mag thats awsome !!
  2. Have fendersl, hood , inner fenders , extensions , $1200. air grill has some damage to outside but center in straight $150. door glass $65. power steering gear box $400 Chrome grill shell $1250 email Powershifttransport@gmail.com
  3. Think next time I come by Iam going to park in the street and call you then drive up.
  4. Just dont rember too many, north jersey had alot of dumps and garbage trucks I lived in Tuckerton / New Gretna . Hung out at Atco raceway alot.
  5. Sold the case for a 65 massy with a diesel .
  6. Was too busy building mopars I guess .
  7. Just sold my 1949 vac case was originally from Loretta lins campground
  8. Theres one out in a feild near me but its a straight truck .
  9. Dont remember to many Macks in jersey spent 4 years there and meet my wife there though.
  10. If you have ever had a E9 out on the floor you could see how massive it is .
  11. I wanted to spend my $50 gift from 12 days of Christmas I won but he was out of shirts.
  12. I like RRRRRRRRs
  13. Ok have the B grill and fenders inner fenders corner peice extensions head lite buckets hood shutter grill is rough what looks like a power steering gear box for a B . Now how do I tell if the grill surround is repop or nos has no box was wrapped in a blanket , will get some pics tommarro for anyone interested.
  14. Dont let 84superdog see this , he will go into e9 coma !!!
  15. The ecu is what sinks the ground to terminal b at fan solinoid , the a/c high pressure switch is normaly closed and is forced open when you have high a/c pressure in system , when it is forced open the 12 volt signal to eecu is disconnected , when ecu sees this its keeps the eecu from sinking the ground to the terminal b at fan solinoid and engages the fan fuse 41 supplies 12 volts to the high pressure switch coolant temp switch = when ecu see high temp turns fan on this is a ohms reading to ecu .
  16. think it was 283wb
  17. How about this monster sleeper
  18. Should be able to have local turbo shop put a seal kit in it , not sure though maybe check for boost leaks ,.have seen plenty of turbos leak there most customers dont care to fix too exspensive for new turbo
  19. The 97 etec unit pump cover forward half was differant then any of the others and was satin in color.
  20. I remeber that class too.
  21. Winrock Truck parts Oliver Springs Tn 1-800-676-0052 might have what you need.
  22. Pat McMahon I think still has a b model , theres a old b at the back of the parking lot over there too he might be interested in the parts deal.
  23. I doubt that ,it would put them over budget Ryan watches the numbers too closely
  24. awsome Thankyou superdog.
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