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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by staxx

  1. Sucks to see it there but it is a barn find I have found 10 barn finds in my life this is 11 and have not been able to buy any of them .
  2. So are you saying you have throttle linkage for a R model and a compressor backing plate on your service truck .
  3. Dont know how much of it is usable alot of peices parts to look threw what are you looking for ?
  4. Sevral vans full and the gas mack was in one of the b,s how do you like the homemade exhaust on the gaser.
  5. Thanks for sure loking for more Macks and higher STAXX ,just going to sit back and enjoy a cold beer tonite.
  6. Well 84superdog and me went for a ride in his superliner to go look at some B,s yesterday I can tell you that going and looking for old trucks in a superliner jacks the cool fator up by 10 had a good time took a few pic.s thought I would share enjoy....
  7. If everything is working corectly the scr system will monitor the process for the next couple hundred miles then will turn the pending fualt code off.
  8. staxx

    funny pic

    Took a pic of this one this week , think he likes Macks .
  9. Dam got to go back to work tommaro didnt win.
  10. Mike good luck hope all goes well tommaro .
  11. I know the cam and pistons were differant on the e7 marine engines other than that think everything else was the same other than manifolds.
  12. Wounder if they are running stock valves or just doing complete head jobs port/polish stainless steal valves stronger valve springs ?
  13. Love the pictures do you have any more 2 valve engine pics Iam very interested in the setups they are running twin turbos sizes internals of engine etc anything you have would be awsome. transmissions too.
  14. staxx


    Think the duck tape would have been better used as to tie her up with.
  15. staxx


    Yup dont nee d no eddumakation i can do without and i like to spelll it howw it sounds.
  16. Yup, I have plenty of dpf tricks up my sleave but I am not going to share them with a a hole .... and there is a huge differance between the cummins dpf and Macks dpf to begin with. Now Mack is starting mvasist so when a truck has a malfunction lite code it will notifiy mack then call you to make a appointment at the closest mack dealer after checking and diagnosing your problem and also checking on parts before you get there.
  17. staxx


    I got tied of reading books and found fixing Macks fun.
  18. Awsome,awsome,awsome I want more
  19. Need to go to the Mack dealer website should be under training
  20. Need to sign yourself up for a vcads tech tool class at mack it would be money well spent if you plan on taking care of your own trucks.
  21. Looks Awsome!!!!!!!
  22. Jeff Hardage ownerof J&C investments of Garland Tx and his son Eric 12 year old own the truck I think.
  23. yup seen pics of e9 in tanks too.
  24. Have seen e9 in tug boats before .
  25. I would go with the 460 none waste gated turbo not sure what the part number is .
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