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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by staxx

  1. Pretty sure a 16 year owned it , was handed down to him from family member , checked this truck out at the show to had a book full on pictures on it , very nice truck.
  2. The 427 turbo will fit but dont know if it will help any . The 427 had a wider power band which was good for vocational applications dump/rolloffs were the 460 had a more peak hp rise like get it in high gear and keep it there the boost drive psi was a little lower on 427 get a chance later I will check specs no problem with the help thats what we do .
  3. Saw the 2012 U.s. Capitol Christmas tree today on its way to D.C. this tree will be on the west lawn of the capital by monday ,the smaller trailer has trees for all the senitors if you scan the bar code with your cell phone it will direct you to a video on the truck . The tree started in Meeker Co. and is 73 feet tall and 28 inches at the base and is already decorated . I also signed the baner on the side of the trailer so STAXX is riding to the capital .
  4. Should be able to update the eecu datafile = reprogram to get rid of malfunction lite but the low boost issue will still be there maybe need to look over the wastegate on turbo again could be hanging open for some reason causing boost to leak off .
  5. I like your creativty , seems like were still chasing the same problem low boost pressure though .
  6. Unit pump calibration will only smooth out engine sometimes it is for fuel milage mostly so you should be fine not having them programed the turbo calibration most of the time should not have that big a differance ,I have sevral test ecu,s that I use from time to time to help diagnosis and have never had a code for turbo out of calibration. Now on the other hand if you want to get the most out of your engine , both need to be programed .
  7. welcome to BMT
  8. Here is a coulpe more ideas make sure the you got the correct boost sensor check # on your old one versues new its around the outside parameter of sensor should start with 64gb something and maybe check or replace intake manifold temp sensor its the one toward the front of manifold . The iegr engines and the etec had identical looking boost sensors but if incorrect sensor installed would cause about 40hp low. If the intake temp is reading incorrect like too high it with derate hp also.
  9. Could be a corupted file in ecu it happens sometimes , you could try to reflash and datafile the ecu at the dealership ,sometimes this fixs issues and sometimes not. How is the fuel psi it should be 80-100 .
  10. Most of this problem is oil psi related , it takes about 10 seconds for oil psi to stabalize and the econvance and timing is adjusted by the oil psi so the timing is off a little untill oil pressure comes up . Back when these trucks were new I remember pulling alot of these injection pumps off and having a anti surge kit installed in govner housing and then reinstalling under warrenty , they run a little better at start up but the kit was mostly for a 700-900 rpm surge.
  11. You can buy a mack out of the country, exports have no dpf or emissions and bring back dont know if you could title it though.
  12. Could be if front side of turbo looks ok check back side , have seen turbo cooked down and be alot smaller then they should be making the drive pressure on turbo low its worth checking for sure need a mirror and good flashlite back the pipe off a little and slide mirror in and check.
  13. Miss working on the old trucks no idiot lites on that dash , if something is going wrong you can see it happening on the gage.
  14. Just curious how did you check for boost leak , I use a steel plug at hot side charge air cooler and pressure check the hole system . Will have to get boost psi up to get ride of lite boost psi is too low have you tryed a new boost psi sensor yet ?
  15. I use a 1/2 snapon and set it up then paint mark head bolt wear it needs to be and pull with breakerbar , we use torque angle now because of how much the bolts stretch, the torque angle process is much more acurate then just torque .
  16. The manual degree gage will work the other option is a $1300 snapon digital angle 3/4 torque wrench.
  17. 84superdog and me will be coming to see you soon , he needs v8 stuff and I need just stuff.
  18. Yes I have seen more then a few of these fail .
  19. Awsome video wish I was there .
  20. To check wastegate diaphram remove hose to turbo and hook up compresser air low psi no more then 10 psi or hook up vacume to hose .....just checking for hole in diaphram if does not hold vacume or air psi it is no good need to replace.
  21. Boost psi should be 31-39 at full load , were you located in tn ?
  22. Welcome to BMT Hollywood First need to check for boost leaks exhaust leaks then waste gate diapham you have 45 code because of low boost.
  23. I see the phone # in pic but what area code is it ?
  24. Nice I like the 307
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