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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by staxx

  1. Need to check 1939 communication wires they are on the firewall near brake valve , green and yellow in color with a triangle connection ...check the connection and follow wires in both directions , these wires are the connection between the engine ecu and the vecu.
  2. Scrap the crud off the tag on the rear and see what ratio it has have local mack parts or service dept run your vin and see what it come with from factory is another option.
  3. Found this the other day banjo fitting inlet side of ecu cooling plate completly clogged with debris another shop had replaced cups and fuel pump but this is the real problem.
  4. Got a little U model lean in our UD service truck, Vinny do you have a universal kick stand that you want to sell . Also took pic of old jones brothers truck in scrap yard.
  5. Dam that looks way too cold for me
  6. Awsome
  7. 2-5 front drive axle temp senor ,2-6 rear drive axle temp sensor Dont rember 36 have you checked the low coolant sensor in upper coolant reservoir check the plug connection if it has coolant in it go unplug the engine module connections and make coolant is not in ecu connections.
  8. Have no pic,s of my first ride but it was a 1975 DM rear loader garbage truck green in color Cleveland Ohio ,rough riding truck 5 speed .
  9. Sounds like low fuel pressure , need to check fuel pressure or remove inspect the supply pump these are bad about failing the gear breaks loose on shaft . Welcome to BMT my freind from the far east.
  10. Overhaul manual should be able to order at your local mack dealer the operation manual that came with the truck when it was new i,am not sure about .
  11. Truck looks good welcome to BMT , you need to get up with 84superdog he,s got the connection for superliner parts if any are available .
  12. There are several banjo fittings that need to be checked .
  13. Dont forget to check fuel tank for debris if you have duel draw fuel tanks this shouldnt be a issue but singal tank could have cracked pickup tube sucking air ....just a few weeks ago I found a entire fuel nozzel from a fill pump at truck stop in bottom of tank.
  14. How do you know you are loosing fuel pressure is it just running rough hard to start are you driving and watching fuel psi with computer or manual gage . First thing I would check for is oil in wire harness at engine ecu if the truck is running rough this can be caused by more than just fuel pressure.
  15. Happy B day super!!!!!
  16. Remember back in the early 90,s had pretty bad storm and I was on long beach island NJ it flooded out and most of low lying mainland it was a mess for weeks but we never lost power cops gave me a ticket for creating to big a wake with my car .
  17. Wow thats looks bad, my wife use to work down there got to say I dont miss that state one bit . Hope it doesnt get any worse for you guys .
  18. Turbo shaft end play, exhaust manifold leaks, cracks air compressor intake piping.
  19. Need throttle linkage pedal to pump 74 R and end cap for 501 bendix aircompressor , outlet port on air compresor also I can go on and on watcha got ?
  20. Congrats now you need to add a little bulldog bling like I did to my sons stroller.
  21. Sometimes pictures can explain the problem better then words and I will paint the engine soon still need a few parts , striped and cleaned the inside of super cab today.
  22. Should look like this sorry for the sideways pics
  23. Lift pump is mounted on the injection pump 3 small bolts are holding it on , other option is that it has a pump on tach drive which is below injection pump in engine block this is a low pressure fuel system 7-15 psi as i remember . Have been to the roundup in milescity many times remember the days when they run cattle up the interstate .
  24. Need to double check your fuel lines should be going into primary fuel filter out of primary to lift pump in correct direction out of lift pump to secondary filter out and to injection pump then return out of pump to tank. At fuel return fitting on pump should be a checkvalve with a ball and small spring this is what makes the fuel psi . This sounds like a fuel psi issue to me welcome to BMT I too lived in MT at one time little town called Colstrip
  25. Gobble trucking in Lawrenceburg is selling off alot of mack stuff went over there a few weeks ago , he has 2 trailers full of parts and a shop full of tools a backhalf with rears and 2 R cabs . Should go over there and make sure he doesnt have anything you can.t live without .
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