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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by staxx

  1. Has mp7 3000ft torque mack 5speed can check our video out at Powershift Performance on face book https://www.facebook.com/PowershiftPerformance/videos/1109001699149806/
  2. Will be racing our Mack at Greenville this Saturday , raced last Saturday at Anderson sc and took 1st and 2nd place
  3. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1220994547943031&id=100000974925132
  4. Heading up tonite with Mackvader and family see you all soon 👍🏁
  5. BMT is still on the back side too 👍🏁
  6. 88Mike and Mackvader will be coming up for Friday -Saturday 👍🏁🏁
  7. 88Mike and Mackvader getting a little drifty at Nashville fairground 👍🏁🏁
  8. A little Mackvader drifting at Nashville Fairgrounds
  9. I said it all last year in Champtruck that it was the Mack torque that moves my race truck being I had the smallest engine in the race series and won 👍🏁
  10. playing around during practice in Fl
  11. Happy Birthday !👍🏁🏁
  12. IMG_8719.mov
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