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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by staxx

  1. The 7th injector is located after the turbo it has 2 coolant line attached to it and a fuel and later models air line the 2 bolts going down into diffuser pipe are the ones you need to remove.
  2. Yes you will need a kit to reseal, 2 hold down bolts and the 2 gaskets remove the 2-- 5/16 bolts careful not to break lift injector up remove gaskets use a soft tooth brush and some carb cleaner and carfuly clean end of injector reinstall gaskets and bolt put some antisieze on the bolt and u will be good to go.Just be very careful not to break the 2 bolts.
  3. Those are some good looking R,s I like .
  4. Yup have seen plenty on econovance solenoids go bad over the years is yours leaking oil out of the end where the wires go in ?
  5. I will let you Know more on Sunday think i have a new project ......
  6. Also if you leave key on air psi at 120 engine off and wiggle the connection if it is making intermitatin connection you should here the vgt controler on the other side of engine apply and exhast air psi to turbo , if you are not sure what the vgt controler is follow the air line from turbo to the other side it is connected to other end.
  7. Heres the engine that goes with it come out of a mixer
  8. Heres the rest of the truck.
  9. It doesnt have any duc work left.
  10. This is the first time I have seen one with a hood scoop Thanks.
  11. What years did they build the R686ST with a Hood scoop, this would b a road tractor daycab Square fuel tanks.
  12. Back the adjusting ring out put a dab of silicone on the threads and run sensor in till it bottoms out then tigten jam nut.
  13. Check where the egr pipe meets the intake manifold 2 bolt peice there is a curved deverter pipe under it and sometimes they break off and drop down into back of intake manifold also for injector code make sure harness did not get crushed on top of rockershaft oil control valve by valve cover always good idea to take a flat file to the edges of valve so wont cut harness there. good luck .
  14. FYI the timing event sensor the one on the side of injection pump does not get adjusted you srew it in till in stops then tighten jam nut if you have a multimeter from one pin to the other should be 100-500 ohms also check from pin a to ground in sensor is grounding replace, Have you had any water leaking into cab above module somtimes the windshield gasket let water in and dip onto module.
  15. If you find this in your oil pan I was there.
  16. MR cab in one picture single frame not good for dump truck.
  17. This big mack had a detroit in it had a pic of the vin but i deleted it.
  18. A big M in the shape of a mustache with 2 eye balls
  19. This is the biggest Mack I have ever seen.
  20. Way tooooo many years ,dont know it all but have seen alot.
  21. Here is another picture of the big C
  22. Not the green wire connection that would be your turbo wheel speed sensor the rectangle connector wire wire lock is the one your looking for.
  23. Yes have run out of fuel more then once nothing like breaking fuel line loose at 2 in morining side of the road in the rain.
  24. should have 3 pin connection at turbo this pins get loose over time from the fan blowing air on it causing it to vibrate fix is to replace pins in connection first and retest operation
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