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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by staxx

  1. staxx

    Race Truck?

  2. staxx

    Race Truck?

    Has 3.08 gear running direct 100mph @2400 . Yes could use a pit crew and no Iam not famous . Iam broke with a cool fast Mack race truck . 88Mike..
  3. staxx

    Race Truck?

  4. staxx

    Race Truck?

    Turning 2400rpm is 103mph , but tires were spinning down the front and back stretch. Truck felt solid .
  5. staxx

    Race Truck?

    can spin the tires from one corner to the next !
  6. staxx

    Race Truck?

    https://youtu.be/XVEFiWM8Q9s On track making laps at Nashville fairgrounds speedway 3/22/15
  7. staxx

    Race Truck?

    Drove truck to town to get some fuel today , and a couple good looking Mack's on the farm .
  8. Happy Birthday !!!!!!
  9. staxx

    Race Truck?

    We made front cover of overdrive !!!! http://read.dmtmag.com/i/472327/0
  10. staxx

    Race Truck?

  11. staxx

    Race Truck?

  12. staxx

    Race Truck?

    More to come next month in Overdrive !!
  13. Sorry for the loss , god bless .
  14. Remove 6 bolt plate on bottom of flywheel housing and in the middle is your pointer turn your engine over till you see the timing mark setting you are looking for .
  15. On the flywheel ..
  16. staxx

    Race Truck?

    My boy showing off his Mack tattoo !!
  17. staxx

    Race Truck?

  18. staxx

    Race Truck?

    Family pic all 4 of us !
  19. staxx

    Race Truck?

    Short test drive !!
  20. staxx

    Race Truck?

  21. staxx

    Race Truck?

  22. Merry Christmas to all and to all out there on the road this week safe travels !
  23. staxx

    Race Truck?

  24. Happy belated Birthday !!
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