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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by staxx

  1. staxx

    Race Truck?

  2. staxx

    Race Truck?

    MP7 and 300 series mack trans .
  3. staxx

    Race Truck?

    Only if someone has a very cheap set for sale .
  4. staxx

    Race Truck?

    Couple fresh pics with bumpers installed !
  5. staxx

    Race Truck?

    Engine is amost finished , trans most likely first of the year. Rear is done working on front and rear bumpers this week along with some more wiring .
  6. staxx

    Race Truck?

    All Black Mack !. Mackvader ?
  7. Did the shop replace both nox sensors ? Is problem fixed ?
  8. Welcome to BMT !
  9. Nice Pic , welcome to BMT !!!
  10. staxx

    Race Truck?

    Charlotte will be a night race , we will have lights on the front bumper bar after I build it . Will answer the ooopps ? later this week , it is the one that got away .
  11. staxx

    Race Truck?

    No headlights now !
  12. Iam going to race the a big brown truck !
  13. staxx

    Race Truck?

  14. staxx

    Race Truck?

  15. staxx

    Race Truck?

  16. staxx

    Race Truck?

    2126808 t-g.html
  17. staxx

    Race Truck?

    photo g-t.htm
  18. Is this Vmac I , II or III code 31 for vmac I is tach drive output .
  19. Whats the blink code ?
  20. The 3 pin connector at the turbo also known as the VGT connector , these pins are loose causing your 45 code . The pins on the engine harness side are the ones you need to replace , female . pins can be bought at MACK . The pins get loose from the engine fan blowing on it making wire and connector vibrate loosning up the pin tension and breaking down the copper wire inside .
  21. staxx

    Race Truck?

    Couple Good Lookin Dogs !!!!!!
  22. staxx

    Race Truck?

  23. staxx

    Race Truck?

    Has been awhile since I have posted pics The race truck while be on display this weekend at the Eagleville Tn truck show .
  24. The TEM sensor should be 100-500 ohms and rpm 200-300 ohm . pull the rpm sensor out clean and readjust 1turn out.
  25. New Injectors would be the next step , rochester has upgrades for you just ask. The low milage means truck has sat for along time also = this is why you have fuel issues . Then if you want to go big time call Illionois dyno and open up the module , last time I check about $1800 on module . Will have to watch EGT though very easy to crack heads/exhaust manifolds with more power.
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