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  1. she's obviously not the safety girl, none of those knuckleheads are wearing eye protection with the cutoff saw running..
  2. That's how you afford to have the windfall wimmin doing your yard work and detailing, great plan! Glad you are back!
  3. Anyone have a sweater for her to borrow?
  4. winter time is when the Winfall wimmin get out their sweaters and crowd up the sauna's.
  5. I hope OD's ok I miss his pics of WV and parts unknown.
  6. 2007 Hiniker all angle plow scoop or Vee 8 1/2' long very good condition elec/hydraulic joystick control Pics sent if interested. PM me
  7. anyone here have experience with a Fermec 650 tractor loader? Fermec bought Massey industrial then later sold to Terex
  8. One of George Tackeberry's trucks I believe
  9. yes and near Binghamton NY
  10. So I've been to Chester and they don't have wimmin like that anywhere there, most that are working are paid by the pound... mo pounds=mo money...
  11. How do you know she's a dumpster???
  12. '64 Power wagon ambulance runs good, all gauges work, new seat upholstery, all lights work. down sides, needs a brake line and a wheel cylinder rebuilt. VERY rusty! $3500
  13. sent you a PM
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