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Everything posted by steth121660

  1. understood,
  2. Log Hauler, you local to that area? I'm a mile south.
  3. Interesting, I worked for a dealer when they first came to this country (small trucks, and they were JUNK! Very unreliable drivelines, and electrical. I assume the quality has greatly improved
  4. Yes I think it's priced too high. I believe it's air ride, and reasonably well maintained.
  5. http://binghamton.craigslist.org/hvo/4965702174.html near me no connection
  6. have you thought about using heavy wall 2" square tube 12" on center on the goose neck to give you an upper deck? the 2" tube gives you clearance underneath to build a rack for ramps and it won't hit your drives. You can "edge" it with 6" channel . Doing that gives you room for a golf cart or your 60 parked up there and leaves your deck for a truck.
  7. once you get the ramps mounted, I'd like to see some close up pics. I have a '79 Transcraft that I want to install hyd ramps on.
  8. conservative republican leanings??? (sorry had to do, it it's been a long week...)
  9. Anyone have experience using Larch for decking? I think it's also called Tammarack? I know it's very rot resistant but don't know the strength capability.
  10. There are mills near me and i'm contacting them. I have trees, but don't want to go through all the effort. I need to have this done b4 York, and theres 2' of snow on the deck now! I'll check the Ipe. Thanks for the tips!
  11. Need source for 5/4X6X12' and 5/4X8X12' need 440 BF of decking. Would like a source in NY or in NE PA
  12. I got a note from Bob, he has one available.
  13. Try Bob Messersmith 607 642 8624 upstate NY I think he has one. He doesn't have an answering machine so try between 5 and 8PM
  14. 1/2 way between Ithaca and Binghamton
  15. HD 14 Allis with 671, and I would say mid-late 60's for vintage.
  16. 36' Brown Reefer, single axle pulls straight, landing gear works is dry inside. Needs rear door skins and 1 dolly wheel always looking for interesting stuff to trade. Call Scott 607 two two 7 3nine 1 five
  17. GG2 yes I know Enck as well, i met him through Craiglist when I looked at an old grader. Others, that replied thankyou for the nice comments.
  18. Yes Original 318, RTO9513 and 34K rockwells@4.11. Drive line is original as are the fenders and fuel tanks. The rest is scavenged.. Nothing like NY salt!!!
  19. the first Pic is moving a trailer at Tioga downs for a company on California. Second pic is moving a 459 for Paul Pollizi from Ithaca to Afton 3rd pic is from Andy Henderson of the Terpening fleet of which my truck was a part of. I'm told my truck won the top prize at the Syracuse Auto show in '72 There are others on this site and the Brockway site that have more info regarding this truck too, maybe they will chime in with a story or memory.
  20. this work? Will I be shot at dawn?
  21. Can I post one here?!?!?!
  22. southern tier of NY, I may be coming to northern VA (McLean) during Christmas
  23. Try Bob, 607 642 8624. He may have one
  24. Try Bob 607 642 8624, I think he's cutting up a louisville with some on it.
  25. Looking for 2- 8.25-17.5 tubeless rims and 11R-17.5 tires Scott 607 227-3915
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