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  1. Here's one from around our area. 5110 Cat getting ready to by put on the trailer. The machine is driven over top of the trailer, then the trailer is jacked up to the undercarriage and the tracks are pulled off, then the trailer is lowered back down. Undercarriage sits on the bed.
  2. Exhaust manifold leaks will cause it to blow black smoke? Mine's blowing a bit more than normal, maybe that's why.
  3. Sounds like you need a new cluster. The pins break off of the circuit board. Had the same problem with my '03cv713, tried everything with the plug, new cluster fixed it. Was about $600.
  4. When I had my issue, the truck would sort of hop at about 5mph and then smooth out. Then right at 50mph(80kmh) it would shake violently, 85-90 kmh it would smooth out again and would be smooth anywhere after that...with Goodyears and Dunlops. Michelins are the only ones that work for me. Negative caster angles would scrub the tire around corners and the steering would not return to centre on its own. Too much positive and the truck will want to keep pushing straight IIRC. To understand caster better, do a search on pirate4x4.com. Those off road guys know geometry the best. Lots of good info on there.
  5. Get rid of those Hercules for starters. When I had my shaking issue, the tire shops told me that the tires are sometimes out of round, not necessarily out of balance. Goodyears are garbage. Go Michelin or maybe Bridgestone. You get what you pay for. edit- tire shops only check the tire by jacking it up and spinning it, not when it's on the ground. Weight makes a big difference when you're trying to find a problem.
  6. My bet is the steer tires. I had the same issue with my Granite right out of the showroom, although my steers are 425's. At 50mph loaded it shook so bad it almost literally made me throw up...empty it was barely noticeable. No shake in the steering, no shake in the driveline, just a bouncing airride cab and hood. Dealer checked the driveline and found nothing, tire shop checked the tires and found nothing. I went through 3 sets of Goodyears and one set of Dunlops, same problem. Broke out the wallet and went with Michelins, problem solved. That was 400,000 miles ago and the truck has never had an alignment since.
  7. My '03(late '02) non-egr 460p has one from factory. It's on the left side of the motor in front of the oil filters.
  8. My '03(late '02) non-egr 460p has one from factory. It's on the left side of the motor in front of the oil filters.
  9. It sure looks like it's a time consuming job. There's what looks like a heat exchanger above it which looks like a pain to work around. Thanks for the replies guys, gonna get into it a bit this weekend.
  10. Got an oil leak where the housing bolts to the block. Would this be a relatively easy fix to do myself? I'm not sure if I would need any special tools. I'm confident I can do it myself, I just don't want to get a few hours into it, then realize I need tools I don't have. Any advice is appreciated. Thx.
  11. 2003 non-egr, built in 2002 460P. It's a Bosch mounted on the left side of the motor. Don't need a cooling plate(truck doesn't have one). I only need a housing in mint shape so hp rating doesn't matter. You can keep the internals if you like.
  12. The only issue I've had(a couple of times actually) is the big red wire going into the bottom of the firewall fuse panel. That connection seems to corrode on me often. You wouldn't think a heavy wire like that is needed for only a handful of lights. Maybe you've bumped that wire and it's damaged an already weak connection.
  13. Hey guys, Does anyone know if I can buy the ECM housing on its own without the electronics? Mine works fine but one of the mounting tabs has corroded off and another is on its way. I've tried searching online for a parts lookup with no luck and the dealers are closed today.
  14. Hello all, found this site while googling a problem with my truck. Thanks to you guys, the problem is now fixed. Off to a good start already.
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