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alex g

Pedigreed Bulldog
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alex g last won the day on May 19 2021

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About alex g

  • Birthday 08/23/1975


  • Location
    ontario canada

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    old trucks
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  1. That's me the missing guy on the left. Had a great time at Macungie first time but definitely not the last. Don't get to BMT site to often anymore but you can find me on FB. Alex Griffin
  2. Happy Birthday !!!!

  3. Never saw one of them before. That's a great find
  4. What are you looking for?
  5. I have a headliner but I'm in Canada and I've tried to ship them but I can't they say there too big to ship. I've had the mouse problem before I have no idea how they get up there. I pulled my headliner out and used febreeze continually on it til smell went away. Good luck
  6. Someone should grab this deal. I'm too far away to make it worthwhile
  7. I have a few glove box covers but no new ones. Yes I believe they'll fit your truck. You can text or call me for a quicker response 289-332-0101
  8. I'm foaming at the mouth looking at those pics. Even if there not for sale it would be fun to get a chance to see them up close
  9. Good luck on your new purchase.
  10. Send some pics of the switches we can help answer your questions
  11. He was last active in 2019. Pm me I have some
  12. It's sold
  13. If you don't have any luck from Mack I think I have some nos I would sell
  14. You looking for the steel panels where the gauges are?
  15. Are you in Ontario Canada lots of Mik Mac bunks here. Built in new Liskeard
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