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Everything posted by Offset-U-bet!

  1. I actually love all Macks pre-95ish. Just hope to own one someday!
  2. Yes it does! Us offset people do not discriminate! We are all a lil offset to be driving truck to begin with!
  3. Nice Vinn! I admit I'm jellous! LOL I thought I was the only weirdo in the world that loved U's. Offsets unite!
  4. Oooooh! Look ahead just before the overpass. I know that sneaky vehicle!
  5. Apparently not a very good mechanic if he said that! Must be a Volvo lover! LOL
  6. It's worth a million to me but I'm $999,998 short! My life story! LOL Very nice Liner!
  7. So many Superliners so little money! Story of my life!----> LMAO!!!
  8. There is never anything wrong with being offset in life!
  9. DAMN! I missed it! And I'm going to miss Barrington also. FML! Very nice pics though! Love the U's.
  10. Ok Mack will ALWAYS be my favorite. But, on the other hand Autocar is a close second. They are (both) always known for thier ruggedness. Mack however does it with style
  11. Damn money tree of mine got hit by a lawn mower! Wasnt very big to begin with LOL
  12. I'm not too keen on the head lights but like J Hancock said I wouldn't throw it back either!
  13. It was on a road job in Hooksett NH and I was driving by in our Granite bouncing around. LOL
  14. Is that the place in Auburn NH? We've had trailers done by them It last a long time but he went up alot in price so we haven't used them in years. That "Frame Saver" paint we get at Robbins Auto Parts and use a brushes and rollers. It's thick and covers awesome and dries glossy unlike POR15. Also extremely hard. I smshed it with a hammer and didn't even mark it.
  15. I know for a fact its not a U. They have a few of them scattered on different road prodjects. They are I think late 60's early 70's R600's
  16. Here's pixs of the Pete frame replacement and the paint we used on the frames that works awesome on rust as well. Very good stuff. Hard as nails and loves rust.
  17. More ruff diamonds! The blue R is a RD 688 I belive with a 300, 6spd Lo hole (twin stick) double frame and 53k rears. Its rough but a worker. Its a yard dog at Allied Republic in Hooksett NH. The orange one is a site dog for Continental Paving out of Londonderry NH.
  18. No offence but, you'll never get the rust out unless you remove the rails and split them appart to sand blast them. Once it starts to build up there's now great way of stopping it. I've done quite a few rails double to heavy single and just new double. Doing one on a 01 Pete 379 now. Up in these neck of the woods replacement is really the only way. He might get a couple more years out of it. But do it right the first time is what I know works.
  19. Hate to tell you this but from what I see in the frame pics that fram isn't much longer for this world. It looks spread and that leads to cracks. Sorry but I'd look into replacing it. Look for used frames. New ones are very pricey from Mack.
  20. Oh yeah! Absolutely! Thoes suckers will fly!
  21. WOW! When was the last time they where off? I've never had that much of a problem. Let the PB flow or the PBR either one! LOL
  22. I'm fairly sure the CH rails are just different enough. Plus the air ride for the CH cab will not fir an R cab. Very different design.
  23. I've always used PB Blaster and a BFH (big f*#k'n hammer). Spin and swing. Its alot of work swing it under the truck but it will eventually give in. When you get it off lightly grind the flats of the spokes. My two cents.
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