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Everything posted by Offset-U-bet!

  1. Could possibly be a mutt! This is NH things rot etc.... I will try to get a #. Fromthe way it looks whom ever owns it probably would let it go. Lots of vegitation around it.
  2. Our minds are all a little off-set!
  3. Just wish I had (what I call) stupid money to just buy it and restore.
  4. Thats makes sense and I figured a 300+ 'cause of the scoop.
  5. Saw this early 70's R600 in my town. Drive by it every day for 4 years and just today caught my attention! So I swung in to snap a couple of pix. Would like to investigate more. Its a twin screw and had a dump on it. Thats all I know.
  6. Well whomever thinks that is just not that into trucks! Its the same cab except for the "dog house" in the U models and othe small various things. I get frustrated when someone tells me dumb dumb stuff like that. Gets under my skin! LOL
  7. I AM IN LOVE! That's such a nice U. Ya that's right Vinny aint the only one that loves the odd-ball trucks! I grew up with them!
  8. Hummmm! Interesting. Where does the other tube go to? Is your motor like the 300 PLUS as in set up etc?
  9. Damn! Nice! Still waiting for my money tree to grow so I can get one some day! LOL
  10. The tall vs short air breather. The tall breather stack was used up till the mid 70's (if I can remember right) I believe your 87 should have a short breather stack in fact I'm almost possitive. The dual intake tubes that where mentioned where on the 300 PLUS engines. 300's had single intake tubes. The only options as far as the fuel tanks is aluminum or painted steel in round only post 78.
  11. Not to sound like Vinny but, Is that a U or DM hooked up to that goose-neck?
  12. I thought it looked like a CCC with a RD grill and badges but the puppy motor and gauges makes me scratch my head! Manufactures did some crazy stuff back then.
  13. I suppose us U-nuts have to stick together! LMAO!!!! (insert joke here)
  14. By the way. If you seen a R686ST in these forums that might look simular to ours from Hudson NH it's because its the sister to ours. Joey Naples bought it from us. He and my boss are good friends. His is now parked unregistered and my boss is contiplating buying it back. Needs a frame BAD! But still a good ol' girl.
  15. No Vinny! It the blue one dissapeared. I have to stop by there and ask where it went. Hope its just hidden!
  16. Our 88 R686ST with 180k over I million on the 350. My boss bought it new in 88 as a tractor and in 02 he converted it into a rolloff. Still going strong!
  17. Just absolutly awesome! Very nice Magnum's. Reminds me (in a good way) of when they first came out seeing the posters and brocures.
  18. Absolutly love it! I love to see the oldies still in service. Our 88 R has 175k over a million and we won't ever give it up!
  19. Wish I had $12000. I'm lucky to have $12 on me! LOL WOW! Thats nice!
  20.    I have this Superliner on my phone! Took several pics up at the burn plant in Concord NH last summer. Belongs to a crane company. Beautiful rig!
  21. Love it! Brings back memories!
  22. Thats a sight I miss and have seen alot in my younger days. Nice U!
  23. We have pretty Peirces! But taking delivery of a brand new HME tanker/pump on Friday. I have training on it Tues and Wed. Can't wait to see how it performs.
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