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Everything posted by Offset-U-bet!

  1. Ya know I've been looking for U's for awhile and now all of a sudden they are popping up left and right (mostly left! LMAO) Anywho just in time for me to have no funds! UGGGGGHH!!!!!
  2. Thats what I fear too! Can't stand it!
  3. Looking good! Remember great trucks are all just a lil' off center! LMAO!
  4. Thats awesome! I love U models but I have always been a sucker for Superliners! Nice!
  5. Thanks Tom! Looks like I need a speeling lesson!
  6. Thanks guys! I've always been a Mack nut ever since I could stand (disclaimer: Pre-1990ish) I DO NOT care for the newer ones. The company I drive for had a 06 CH and we resold it back to the dealer. Anyway I hope I can give and recieve useful input. Thanks again!
  7. I don't mind Detroits! I was just poking fun! I'm searching the family to see if the have any pictures of my Dads truck. Everything I have is in my memory. He drove for Nashua Corporation. The coated paper and made tape and adhesives. His last truck was a 78, 79 or 80. Tis is all from memory because I didn't ask hime questions I wanted to before he passed away last January. Hoping the family has some hidden pics. We shall see!
  8. Don't have one as of yet! I grew up around them My father drove them on the east coast for 20 years. As a child a remember going with him and I would love to restore one in his memory someday!
  9. I'm sorry but a Puppy with a externally well lubricated Detroit (or any other motor) in it? To me thats always been sacrilege! Pure pedigree or nothing! Just my input!
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