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Road Trip

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Everything posted by Road Trip

  1. beautiful pictures thanks for the memories
  2. nice rig have fun
  3. Paul Thank you very much for the time & effort to get the members the information on the B Tandem fire apparatus. What a serious mistake in destroying such a piece of history. You sir are a rare fire buff. Charlie Dever
  4. congrats on owning a fire truck at one time I owned over 20 back when gas was less than $1.00 now only 2 left Like they say Men & Boys and their TOYS.
  5. Are the B models fire trucks ? Just asking?
  6. For those who are VERY computer literate is there a way to check Craigslist for a master list of fire trucks without going to each individual page ,city,state etc.? I admit I am not that good with computer so a B I G thank you to you who are.
  7. Spaamfaa website has not beenupgraded since 11-14-14. the B model was sold before the spaamfaa ad was posted, if the Mack truck website was one &1/2 months behind ???? lots of lost business. Attn: effective 1-16-15 SPAAMFAA website current & up to date with new ads..
  8. Looking for L, B, R model mack fire trucks. also very interested in 3 & 4Door Sedan models...Very interested in Macks still in service in Fire Co.s.
  9. be sure to check the bracket to see if leg pegs of the bell bracket were turned in or out. there were different mounts made by ROSTAND of Milford ct.
  10. Do you know of any more R Models like this for sale either by private owner or Fire Dept? Very Interested!
  11. Very Beautiful rig If you ever want to sell it please call me 847-274-7766
  12. What type of fire apparatus B- L - ?
  13. Keith thank you for all the beautiful Mack Fire Truck photos for those of us who could not make it to Harrisburg.. Will damn sure be there next year Road Trip
  14. it is an open cab L model not M80
  15. Very thankful that the Mack was saved. Sorry about the loss of the other Rigs.
  16. If anyone is interested in a yellow 1965 C model Mack Fire Engine identified as former Engine E=42 Flint Michigan Fire Dept. Price $ 7,000.00 Go on Craigslist under " the thumb of michigan" Vehicle is located in Flint Township Michigan several photos. saw listing at 3:30 p.m.
  17. Road Trip


    absolutely beautifull Interested in selling? or know about another B OPEN CAB or 4 dr sedan ?
  18. Identical to the 3 that I have sitting in my house. I quess that they are worth something afterall. Had a fire extinguisher collector offer me $350.00 about 16 months ago but never sold to him.
  19. sold by edison park `Mack Dealer to a local airport in early 80's
  20. Looking for N Model Mack fire truck look a like to Ford C model cab over. also looking for L & B model crew cab fire trucks especially if still in fire service.
  21. Would be interested in the 85LS1355 also very interested to know if the double boot rack is still good ,available and intact Are there one or two ? Road trip 847-274-7766
  22. anyone have a current update on Mack Fire Trucks for sale on Craigslist?
  23. very interested in what they might be worth ? Have 3 chrome "MACK" Script extinguishers stored inside heated family room.. fire extinguisher collector sent request to see them next month but would rather they be on Mack Fire truck. Any info would be helpful? thanks Roadtrip 847-274-7766
  24. Beautiful Mack's
  25. Is it for sale or just keeping it around for spare use?
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