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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by countryboy5487

  1. Ill have to check them out. The old qsi's i didnt like the prime mover sounds, havent heard the new ones. And ill have to check out your flood loader. I have the case dozer and the end loader. I used to have the backhoe as a kid but i dont anymore :-(. I do still have the john deere backhoe ( or whats left of it)
  2. The fiberglass does have good access but doesnt the fenders flip foward just like the 800's
  3. I will deff. Have to go up to this wont be able to buy anything but nice eye candy, esp the F
  4. I prefer the steel noses. Id like to one day to convert my dm to a steel snout
  5. It looks like a ertl i have the case ertl dozer that size
  6. I like the intermtn and kato detail. I like the taunami sound the best. Most of mine are steam and emd units and my virginian atlas trainmasters
  7. Thats cool im a HO guy too. Nice gevo's and the ac6000. Are the gevo's the athern models? I like the dash 9 SP unit. Nice patch and weathering job too i do model SP, Western Maryland, and Virginian
  8. Great find Matt!!!! Id get in trouble if i had a wrecker lol
  9. They are neat piece of iron look alot like glorified endloaders with backhoe attachments
  10. Wow bow thats sharp. Well except for the wedge brakes
  11. Looks great cool video. Looks good there with the band
  12. Ok i honestly did not pay attention to what it said on the door was to busy trying to take it picture. He was headed twords shamblin stone. Btw i gotta ask whats with the paystar mixer sittin at your place? Is that yours or marcco's
  13. I agree it is a dying art. Im trying to get the hang of it by self teaching. It would just be easier to spend a afternoon with someone who could really make her sing
  14. Ohh what a perfect size lil tractor
  15. Caught one of the many rd quad and tri axle trucks that haul gravel and blacktop
  16. Not hard to figure out what id be behind the wheel of lol
  17. Very interesting article. Ok ill have to throw in my pennies on the 6spd. Now dont know if this is "the right way" but it works with my dm. I can start in low 1,2,3,4,5 shift to high and main back to 4th and 5th. Now it might not be recommended shifting but it doesnt seem to "double" any ratio's and dont grind kick or buck. Have also shifted low 1,2,3,4,5 then shift to high tranny liked it fine but was too big of a ratio jump to be comfy
  18. Ohhh my god!!......now i gotta say i like the concept he had goin on and it prob looked pretty decent right before he got the wonderful f*cking idea to paint EVERYTHING but the glass and rubber primer gray he even painter the stack! I wont lie i would have like to have had it before he went hog wild with the paint. And ya im glad it wasnt a mack or else wed. have a linch mob on its way to fl
  19. That is a great looking F just wish it was out here
  20. Ohh there we go!!!! Thats right up my ally!!
  21. Thats a beautiful a model. Im with vision on it should have a 2 stick and thats gotta be the best decription ever lol
  22. Well I saw that forsale myself and didnt think it was to bad. But with the problems you found it has and no ac, if the cab is in good shape and the interior is good id guess more like the 8 dept is more fair.
  23. Lol did a number on that one. sears tends to raise eyebrows when you bring in 1/2" ratchets with sheared off drives and broke handles
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