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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by countryboy5487

  1. Ohh ok thats pretty cool both are great looking rigs!
  2. 24.5 rims should fit right in your spiders if you have 22" rubber now. hardest thing might be actually getting the old rims off
  3. Cool vids clean mack cab and a nice clean 318. What the story on th passenger car, the old wood sided boxcar that looks like its been turned into a camp car and the switcher?
  4. Were the two pics of the b model cabs and the b's, g's, &h's sitting outside taken at allentown?
  5. Thats about the shade of gray im talkin about
  6. Heres the youtube i think it will work
  7. I googled and say a pic of a b model painted for overnight and i thought the gray looked good. Now orange can look good if its done right now i think like blaze hunting orange my be a lil over the top but if you youtube mack coal trucks there is a slideshow of a rd800 that is all orange cab frame daytons bed everything and on the cab protector it says in cursive (i think) orange blossom special and it looks really nice
  8. Ok so most two tone trucks were orders that way, it wasnt likely to have seen red b model with black fenders frame and the chrome rad surround as a off the lot model. Eric
  9. Id like to get ahold of the old outdated engine and trans they took out
  10. Great song. Im with mh cant wait to see the video!!
  11. What we all wouldnt give for a time machine and a winning lottery ticket
  12. Im not sure what color to paint the B. im leaning tword black fenders and gray cab and bed, but what are some orig. color schemes or were there any "regular" two tone paint on the b models. I know red with black fenders and green with black fenders were orig or at least i think so. Im open to any bodys input and thoughts
  13. Ya and when he "gets time" he'll see its too rusty, all tires flat and the glass busted out and the itnterior ruined. Then he will want to sell it
  14. Now those are some cool photos!!! What sorta application is the engine in the las pic for with its rear mounted turbo?
  15. I post from my phone so go to the btm of the page and click full version. Then at the btm of the reply box says more reply options and there ya go
  16. I will deff be palying him a visit. I love the old school glitter knobs
  17. I want to give him a call next couple days. Ill let ya know what he says
  18. If it is thatd be right up your alley and like the rest of us a running wrecker would get you in alot of trouble
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