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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by countryboy5487

  1. I might be able to get a crane or a knuckle boom to put on it. If i do it be a boom truck which would be handy as a shirt pocket
  2. Thanks. Gonna haul anything and everything but mostly steel id say
  3. "That thing will make a real truck driver out of him. We are all soft from our cushy air cabs and big power and such anymore." Heck I think im in high cotton now with the dm. 300 hp and power steering, never had over 250hp and never had a ps truck before. If i ever drove a air ride truck with air cab i wouldnt know what to do with myself LOL
  4. Hatcity had a good point of how the hell did you find this lol and freight trains comment made me bust out laughing and had eveybody like what is wrong with him LOL
  5. Ohh ok im wanting the grill guard too
  6. Ohhhh i took it the b was headed for the boat ride. Ill have to give this guy a call tomorrow
  7. Yes i am gonna paint her, not sure that color yet im thinkin either a original vintage style paint scheme or the red white and blue scheme
  8. Does it have the grill guard or is it just the bumper
  9. Hey Jake got any pics of the bumper? Im gonna be taking the live pto off my dm and are gonna need a bumper
  10. Well just finished up getting the tabs welded on the bed frame and got everything bolted down ready for her first run on monday
  11. Thems cool especially the lil radio
  12. Ohhh wow the roof is bad...... Would make a great truck as a long term project or to help keep another on the road. Id love to put the ac unit on my dm. Wouldnt mind having the v8 either but it might be a tight fit. I guess the v8 would fit they put them in U's and basically the same cab and hood
  13. Ive seen sleeper b's and a few a-cars but never seen a lj
  14. Ok well I decided to make the dm useful. Sense my venture of turning it into a sleeper tractor is going to take a while to find all the right things i want cause lets face it mercury sleepers are not a common item. But anyway i found a old gas IH at the junkyard that had a good flatbed, so after some discussions with the manager we settled on a price i could live with and i went and picked it up today. Now i can actually use the truck while i collect my conversion parts
  15. Caught this rougher shape R at the landfill
  16. Ok your right farmer i said wrong on the abs light. Sorry for mis leading info there
  17. I really like that chain drive dump looks to be in great shape
  18. Ok if your building the pup then no the abs wont give you any problems if you hook it up. The trailers that come factory with it and it stops working of the tractor doesnt have abs will set off the indicator light on the rear corner and it burns constant. Most around here unplug the light so it doesnt raise eyebrows
  19. What your describing sounds pretty typical of a mack (or any truck with a steel cab) of that era from around here so im used to rust in my neck of the woods. Id say the acar is prob a 220 or 230 just depends on if its nhc or not
  20. Ya i was very impressed with the harness i got. Everything fit like it should have, wires were the right lengh so the shell connectors all fit in their lil holders and had all the correct funky military style connectors. Havent heard of the guys in pa.... Have to look them up
  21. Cool old diamond t looks like a white 4000. Im guessin a wrecker body without the booms
  22. Had to haul away some broken concrete yesterday Hand loading the skidsteer The block company i haul sand and gravel for has two lil cat loaders roaming about their yard. This one and one a size or two smaller
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