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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by countryboy5487

  1. Most everything around here is cat ony japanese caterpiller's i know of are at a local stone company has a few yards and the have komatsus
  2. Wow!! she looks great i like the low boy too
  3. Ya i bought a harness from them when i redid a dodge m-37 i had it was a lil pricey but it was made with all the orig. military bell connectors and looked good when it was finished wasnt to hard to put in either and i was only 17 lol. But ya if i had to do over like for the lights on my B im just gonna start from scratch. Easier on the wallet that way
  4. Love the truck and trailer, great lookin lil combo. I bet the traction engine was a good work out too
  5. I wish id known a few months ago you had a couple maddog cause i wouldnt have put a new 5 spd in my ford
  6. Andy thank for the pics and ya not to bad on e ya figure it out. How was the btm of the cab floors rockers and back of the cab? Do you know any info on the acar? (Engine trans price?)
  7. Ok ill send you a text tomorrow but to up load them go to the bottom of the page and click full version, then when you go to reply on the desktop version of the fourm click more reply options and thats where you can upload them. Had a hard time tying to figure that out too
  8. Cant help you with weather or not your color codeing is correct but i do know that no, abs on a trailer but not the truck doesnt matter. Other than the fact your abs light on the side of your trailer if it has one will stay on. It so just unplug the pigtail
  9. Does anyone need the rearend housing? If so id be happy to give it to a new home i just dont have the space for it.
  10. Either one And yes pics please were picture junkies here. Did you take any of the a-car
  11. There ya go running the old iron is the best way to be different and stay outta the shop for code errors LOL
  12. Yes pics please im looking for a lil sleeper
  13. Ya id say 711 too by looking at that water neck. And i agree wit ya ditch the body keep the wet line and get a fifth wheel and have a nice set up tractor. Hey if you change your mind on it id like to take a shot at grabbing it!!!
  14. Id say stick with what youve got as far as rear ends. For a 300 and what you plan on doing id say 3.90's will be too high. For a 500hp 3.90's would be good but for the 300 id say stick with what you got
  15. Ya the oil change andnow you need a new motor thing has happened several times around here i agree they should be paying to have the engine changed and ya my boot up someones butt!! Haha mulch in the trunk is hilarious!!!
  16. I cant get the link to work
  17. Ohh really?? Ok well that simplifies things a whole bunch then
  18. Mine was worse i was in lancaster last weekend and drove to gerharts just to find it and now low and behold. Ohh well theres always next year
  19. Lmao i wish i could make it to lititz on sat so i could get to meet some of you guys and put a face to a icon
  20. Yalls hilarious
  21. Ya all yall have a safe trip i wont be able to make it but everybody have some fun for me
  22. 7500 hmm i know what he payed for it wonder what he'd take.
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